Doflamingo x reader | the King's Queen

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Request by AshliDinkelman !

You loved him, you really did. Even if some people found him annoying, repulsive even, your heart decided to rest on him and him alone.

From the way you would catch his gaze, even through the dark lenses of his glasses, when he would sit in his office with you by his side. From the way that coat made of only the best feathers one could buy with money ruffled when he would wrap his arms around your shoulder to tell you that you were his love. You would give anything and everything, even sacrifice yourself for him. For he was the King, and you were his Queen.

The only issue, was that something in your mind told you that it wasn't you who he loved.

You had no issue with the women in which sat around the garden pool with Doflamingo on a warm day. They weren't doing anything to harm you, and he didn't let them go far. Yet whenever they would appear and talk to him, there was a pang of hurt which would rupture in your stomach as you watched from one of the windows. You had no issue, but you still didn't want to be out there with him. It was on days like those that you felt out of place, felt like you didn't belong where you were in this beautiful castle with the King of the land,

Often, some other members of your family would check on you. They would ask if you were okay and you would smile and reply with a nod. You were positive they didn't know how you felt, but unknowingly to you; they could see in your eyes what was truly going on.

And it was on one day, that you truly felt confused at your own feelings.

It wasn't jealousy, per se, more of a painful squeeze on your heart as you thought of him. Doflamingo had been out on a job with the remaining majority of the family except you; who was staying behind not only to keep the palace in check but to also have a bit of alone time. You were sitting in your own room - not the one you shared with him but the one which acted kind of like your own office. As a member of the family, you too had work to do. Although you mainly stuck with the in-house work like receiving calls that are for Doflamingo and doing the menial paperwork. He insisted you relax most of the time, but there was something telling you to distract yourself.

Honestly, you were drowning in paperwork now. Although you liked to keep on top of everything to help out the one you loved, the past days since he and everyone else left made you feel so alone that even raising a hand to the work felt horrible. You were lying on your back - splayed in the middle of the room - as you watched the light go from afternoon to evening ever so slowly. It was a whole different kind of hurt to lie there alone, no one by your side. Sure, you chose to do it yourself when your could've gone outside and done something else, but it didn't feel right to you.

The time was ticking on by as you watched the golden sunset filter through the windows above you. Your mind was rushing and was being overtaken by different subjects. From the first time you had joined the family all the way to the times you had spent with Doflamingo. How he always made you feel special, like you were the only woman in the whole entire world. But did you really deserve all that?

"My love, where are you?"

You were so caught in your own thoughts you didn't hear the voice you knew so well as it traveled the long corridor. He wasn't meant to be back, not yet. But there wasn't the ruckus of the others as he came, was he alone? The footsteps came closer and closer, each one echoing as you heard a deep chuckle resonate off the stone walls. You were only a few doors further than where it sounded like he was, but you were too tired to reply. Just listening, you heard the latch click loudly as your door creaked open - revealing the tall and built form of the man you expected.

Even if you could see his pearly grin and the light glinting in his sunglasses, you didn't look to meet his gaze: only straight up as the ceiling. You were appreciating the golden sun, but that was quickly halted due to how he stood over you - blocking out the light.

"Are you okay, my love?"

Making brief eye contact with him, you slipped your look from his to the wall on the other side. Doflamingo's hand reached down to you, waiting for you to take it before a frown flashed on his features. Standing back up, he huffed lightly and strolled over to the small sofa in the corner - scanning his eyes across your desk of paperwork.

"I come back just to check on you and I see you like this, (y/n)."

From the very corner of your eye, you could see the grin on his face. Coming from someone who knew him well, you could see the slightest hint of worry in his features.

You didn't reply. You continued to stare at the ceiling and only listen to the birds which called in the evening as they flew on past the window. The almost-silence was comfortable, only the sound of your paperwork rustling on your desk in the mild summer breeze as the window was open.

"My love,"

Doflamingo gestured to you, using a single finger to motion with. One arm was slung over the back of the sofa and he was relaxed into the cushioning comfort. Even if you felt you couldn't pull yourself up from the floor, you made it just about: getting up to your feet and wandering over to him.

He pulled you down so you leaned against him, his arm going around your shoulders and the other going onto the arm of the sofa. It was strange to know that after all he had been through, he was still warm to you. His chest was warm when you would trace his rippling muscles and his touch was too.

"Tell me why I found the love of my life lying on the floor?"

One hand moved from your shoulders and down your side until it rested on your hip. Was it really a good idea to tell him your worries? But he was your lover, after all.

"Why me?"

It was clear to you as you looked at your hands in your lap that he was frowning down at you.

"Why you? Because I love you, that is why."

"But there are other women in this land. More fair, more beautiful and more kind than me."

There was a pause.

You could feel Doflamingo's strong hands as they slightly gripped around your waist a little bit harder. Hearing the thump of his chest as you leaned on him made the room feel still. It was true, what you said. No matter how much you loved him. And maybe you had offended him, as he pulled away his arm and took a dig into his pocket.

"But there is no woman I would rather love, (y/n)."

Tilting your head back, you saw the grin you always knew as something made it's way onto your lap. His gaze seemed to make you want to take a look at what he placed there, and you followed it until you saw a shine.

The shine of a diamond ring as he placed one hand over yours.

"How can I be a King, if I have no Queen?"



Author's Notes


Thank you once again to all those who have requested.

As of today, I have closed off the request box.

Rest assured! I will be doing ALL of the requests that have already been commented, I am not closing off the requests I have listed.

Thank you for all the support!


- TransponderSnail

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