Kaku x Reader | If I'm Going Down, I'm Gunna Drag You With Me

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"Hey, (y/n)! Is it alright if you drag over that timber by your left?"

With his hands cupping his mouth so that the woman could hear him across the racket of the Galley-La shipyard, the square-nosed Kaku called her. With a quick nod of her head, the strong yet tiny woman dragged the huge lump of wood over to where the younger man stood, hands on his hips.


As she finished dragging it, she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand as he gave her a closed-lip smile.

"Thanks! It was the last bit I needed before my break."

Mirroring his smile, (y/n) closed her eyes as the man carried on his daily work.

In Galley-La there were six people considered the strongest and most skilled of the workers in the company. They were the foremen. Technically (y/n) was the only woman on site working, so it surprised people when she was told she would be promoted to the rank. The other five were Tilestone, Kaku, Lucci, Lulu and Paulie. Yet together with her they were an unstoppable force.

The day was pretty nice; the midday sun was happily shining and the warm heat made the worker's clothes stick together as they forced on through the weather. (Y/n) was running about left and right, handing people nails and timber or anything else they needed for the work. It was also the same time as she worked hard to help build a huge galleon that the foremen were overseeing.
The heat got a bit too much as the girl began to feel the short sleeved, dark blue polo shirt she wore sticking to her back, making her groan and drop her timber frustratedly. Sweat rolled down her face as she leaned back up so she was standing upright again.

She heard her name being called and bottle of freezing water was being thrown her way as she caught it in her hand.

"Don't overwork yourself, we need energy for the security job incase someone comes back to try and assassinate Iceburg-san again."

Stopping next to her as she drank, Kaku looked down at her smaller frame from under his cap, smiling. When she had put the cap back on she turned to him and questioned him.

"Oh yeah how is Iceburg-san? I haven't seen him since yesterday before the incident."

Kaku chuckled and scratched his face with his hand and shrugged.

"Well it seems like he's doing better."

And at his words the woman felt a weight had lifted, her look very determined as she stared back at the man. His black eyes always seemed mysterious, like there was something about him, "more than meets the eye" in a way. He shared her look, crossed arms unmoving as he looked back at her gleaming (e/c) eyes that always seemed so happy whenever anyone looked into them.

"You have really pretty eyes, (y/n)."

And what she had not expected was for him to reply with such a sentence. Quickly, her face heat up and a redness littered her ears and cheeks as she smiled and looked away from his gaze.

"Y-you think?"

It was funny to him, the way that she was so awkward. They had been co-workers for five years yet she was always so sheepish.

"Yeah I do."

His voice was so confident as he watched the smaller woman almost explode at his words, chuckling as he saw her press the water to her forehead to shield her face from the embarrassed look. The two stayed like that for a while as Paulie looked over at them, muttering something about them "always being so mushy" and that "(y/n) needs more clothes" as he looked at her exposed thighs from the shorts.
He spoke like they were a couple, but they weren't really. Everyone on the shipyard saw how they acted.

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