Nami x reader | She is Beauty

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Request by redlaserartist !

She is beauty.

Everytime you would look across the deck as she bathed in the sun, trying to catch some light, your heart would do little flips and turns. Each strand of her tangerine hair and each sparkle in her dark yet alluring eyes caught your gaze, like a fly in a spiderweb.

She was also kind, always making sure to help out where she could when you asked for it. Intelligent and smart were another pair of words which only just underlined her intellect. As a pirate of previous crew memberships, you had never seen such a fine navigator in all your time. It was all too lucky you ended up being asked to join the Straw Hats.

Growing up in this world wrung by the hands of both pirates and marine alike almost gave you no hope, but it was days like these when your crew was having fun and she was around that gave you that light. That girl was Nami.

The outside temperature had dropped from a normal mid down to freezing within only hours, causing the lot of you who were onboard to join in the warmest room on the ship. Everyone knew how much of a gamble the weather and temperature was in the New World. This was just one prime example of that; how snow whipped the deck and caused breathy gales to create calamity.

"Is my precious (y/n)-chan warm enough?"

Honestly it would've been easier for you if Sanji just stopped being so unnecessarily doting. Maybe he just didn't get that you didn't see him in that way, but then again nothing would stop him. Sometimes being the youngest woman onboard ended with you being babied by him too much.

Flashing the man a large and bright grin while holding a thumbs up, you nodded gratefully.

"Yeah! I'm okay, Sanji."

He was honestly over the moon about your positivity towards him, visually melting on the spot before going over to where Robin was to repeat the action.

The whole time it snowed, you just wanted to get out there and play in it considering you hadn't experienced so much snow in your life before. Unfortunately, it was so bad that quite a few of you were still inside; trying to keep in what little heat there was. Every one of you wore thick coats, some even with hot drinks as they chatted away.

The coat you wore wasn't one of your own; but one of Nami's

You had been given it by her that day, since none of your clothes were warm enough. Even your most toasty coat was lacking in warmth. It smelt like her, like oranges and cinnamon. If you weren't trying to keep the fact you loved one of your own nakama from the others and the girl included, you could've talked for hours about how wearing a piece of her clothing made you feel.

"Hey, (y/n)!"

Because of how lost in your own thoughts you had become, you almost didn't gauge the cheerful and childish voice of your captain as he bounded over to where you sat. A grin spread on your face as you waved, watching as he stood in front of you with both of his hands on his hips.

"Luffy, you good?"

Nodding, Luffy hooked a thumb over his shoulder confidently towards the door.

"You want to go play in the snow?"

You really did.

Being the same age as both your captain and Usopp, you were the ones who ended up going mental when playing: Chopper too. Your grin got wider as you nodded, standing up and almost forgetting how cold it was as you went towards the door along with Luffy.

The two of you were two seconds away from swinging the door open when there was a shout from the other corner of the room which came echoing in a loud volume towards you.

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