Kizaru x reader | Avoiding

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You loved your job.

Truly believing in Justice for the greater good and enjoying catching those who broke against that ideal. Never did you step out of line and you were considered one of the perfect examples of a marine soldier in Headquarters. You worked with all kinds of people with your job: other marines, citizens, government agents and even Shichibukai. Never did you turn down a job, always looking to do the best whenever you could. Well, almost always.

There was one small exception in the form of your superior.

"(Y/n)-san, there are more cannon imports coming in within the next few days."

Standing up in the middle of your department's busy room, you had both arms crossed over your front. Your gaze had been scanning the room, watching as each of your subordinates got on with their work; until one had come up to you.

"Good. Please make sure that they are taken to the east dock, i won't be responsible for any more lost items."

The man saluted to which you nodded curtly, watching him from the corner of your eye as he went back to his desk. There was a slight buzz of noise along with the sounds of turning paper as the marines worked. Some were discussing things over by the window, watching carefully as all kinds of ships pulled into the docks. One man had his back to you, suddenly gasping in realisation as he called you.

"Vice Admiral, Ma'am. I forgot to mention that Kizaru-san said that he will be over now to check over something with you."

A sigh escaped your lips to which some men including the one who called you turned and gave you a surprised look, noticing you were retreating towards the door. They could see the kanji expressing "justice" as you faced away from them, your coat rustling lightly as you walked.


Giving them a dismissive wave you slipped out of the door as it shut behind you. Your subordinates blinked a few times to seriously question if you just left for no reason as the distant sound of your heels clicking down the corridor echoed under the door.

"Is... is she okay?"

The man who addressed you turned to another at the desk next to him, the other only shrugging confusedly.

"Hey, have you ever seen the Vice Admiral and Kizaru-san in the same room?"

Another man called from across the way, catching the attention of his two friends who just gave him a frown. There was a laugh from next to them, a fourth marine was wiggling his eyebrow suggestively.

"Maybe they have something going on, eh?"

The others just looked at each other before the Lieutenant in the room shouted at them to get on with their work.

You hightailed it down the corridor, not looking up as you sped past multiple people. Some were subordinates and others were your co-workers who gave you a friendly nod or even some gave strange looks. The door to your department's office room was at one end of the hallway and the stairs to the docks were at the other. You banged open the door to the stairs, beginning to rush down them at top speed. There was one place where you could run into him, and it was on the stairs as they connected his office's corridor to yours - which was below. Luckily, you were going down and not up.

That was it, that was your exception: Admiral Kizaru. The man who you had ended up falling in love with, and worse, constantly avoiding.

There were two flights left before you could escape out to the fresh air, more than confident you were out of the way. Your heels clicked against each step, your hand running along the railing as you descended. The door to the docks was just on the floor below, so you were able to hear the call of seagulls.

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