Jack x reader | Luck

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"So whatever do we have here? A little mouse?"

A sneer was laced on your features as your hands were restrained behind your back. The woman who spoke down at you from her large throne seemed to think you were only a joke, and that wasn't sitting well with you.

Not one bit.

"It seems like you're as blind as you are old, you wretched hag."

From behind you, there was a harsh slam into your back by someone's knee; knocking the air from your body. You wheezed slightly as you shot an irritated look back to the one who did it, an angry expression on his face. The thing which shook you from your glare was the loud and strange laughter which rang and echoed in the room, coming from the large emperor before you.

"Oh you do talk rubbish, girl. If I were Kaido, I would've kicked you from my crew for having such a foul mouth."

The grimace on your face upturned into a smirk, one of your eyebrows raised as you let out a small laugh.

"I think you'll find that I don't speak like that to Kaido-san, because he's my captain. Not you."

You winced ever so slightly as you felt the man who was restraining you pull your hair in retaliation to how you spoke to his mother. Damn Charlotte Oven, so hotheaded and rude. It seemed less like you were annoying Big Mom and more like you were becoming light entertainment on her behalf.

This was your big slip up. It was all your fault.

Under the command of Jack, you had set your sights for Zou to find the man you were looking for - Raizo. You commanded one of the ships which went with him, making sure the vessel was heading along the right course. Yet, it was all until a pretty severe storm had struck that you veered off course. Considering your fabulous luck, there happened to be one of the sons of the Emperor Big Mom scouting the area around their territory - noticing that you, with one of Kaido's ships, had come a bit too close for their liking.

That's how you ended up where you were: presented in front of Big Mom.

"You don't even look like you could steer a ship's wheel with your little body, how on earth does that man even find you useful?"

"Strength comes in all sizes, old lady."

The air was completely knocked out of you once more as you were thrown forward towards the cold, stone floor. You almost planted your face directly onto the surface, had not for Jack who quickly yanked you off to the side by your arm. There was a scowl on your face as you shot him an angered look, his eyes only momentarily trailing down to look at you as he gripped your upper arm like he was about to scold you.

"So you just waltz on over here after keeping one of my crew locked in your country?"

Nothing good came of the look on Kaido's face. That and the fact that two emperors of the sea were now stood face to face. As you looked around, even some of your own crew seemed to be pretty nervous.

"She was the one who ended up trespassing!"

The massive grin on Big Mom's face made your blood boil. How were you trespassing when you were pretty clear of her territorial land? Your fist clenched as you managed to tug your upper arm from Jack's grip, stepping forward. Some member of your crew looked at you like you had gone mad: you could say stepping almost between two Yonko about to go at each other's throats was a bad idea.

"Me? Trespassing? What, on the land around your land? I'm sorry CEO of Dictatorship, but-"

A large hand slapped across your face as the blonde who stood behind you practically snatched you back into his figure. Even if he wasn't showing it, he was honestly just praying that your loud mouth could stay shut - even if it was just for a single moment. Neither Kaido nor Big Mom decided to take your little outburst onboard, and that was pretty lucky. Considering the woman would probably get a kick out of slicing you in half with that damn sword and Kaido would end up trying to kill the other Yonko because of it.

You struggled against the extremely strong grip of the man behind you, wiggling about and yelling at him with muffled cries. King just observed you both from across the room, his eyes watching
you bite Jack - the man pulling his hand away quickly. He couldn't hear the conversation between the both of you through the sounds of Kaido and Big Mom going at each other, but he was surprised you both didn't stop arguing at the sound of the two emperors raising their weapons.

"Will. You. Stop."

You poked at Jack's side through each word, annoyed that he was deciding to hold you back against your own will. He just closed his eyes and crossed over his arms as he listened to your one sided argument. The anger that began to build inside of you as he ignored you was taking over; seriously considering punching him to death. Like that would do much.


"I told you I would kill you if you came."

Kaido's voice echoed in the room, followed by the woman's as she stood to her feet; having been chained on the floor.

"What kind of fool would march to their own death?"

Suddenly, you were cut off by the immensely powerful clash which came between both Yonko. Your eyes went wide, you were too riled up to even notice what had been going on. Letting out a small yelp, you covered your eyes from the large blast of energy as it shook the very island of Onigashima you stood on.

The majority of crew in the room fell with the blast, those who were more withstanding such as Queen and King, Jack too were able to keep their ground. You were completely knocked off of your feet; being pretty small compared to that of your Captain and his Calamities. Hurtling backwards, you hit Jack's chest: for once grateful for his strong and authoritative hold on you. Panic rose as you felt like the ground was shifting from under you.

Jack didn't spare you a glance, but had a strong hold around your waist with his massive hand which kept you from falling over. It was if the very earth was shaking at its core from the true power. You were young, the only thought which could rack your inexperienced brain was 'is this really the power of two Yonko?'. You couldn't even fathom what would happen if they were to team up, the poor people who would have to endure their wrath.

Ah yes, your fabulous luck was back.

As if someone was reading your mind, the exact thing you couldn't possibly begin to imagine happened. Kaido and Big Mom teamed up: and were now hanging out like they didn't just try and rip each other of their lives.

You watched on with complete shock as the massive clash turned into an announced alliance. Clearly you weren't the only one in shock, the rest of the crew looked to be pretty baffled. Your mind was running back over what the hell had just happened, thinking you maybe just survived the impossible.

So caught up in your thoughts, you still felt a grip around your waist. Being one of the Beast Pirates, you also wore little; being a pair of black shorts and an unnecessary small bikini top with more straps than areas which covered you. Cheeks going red, you slowly came back to remember that Jack was still holding your waist. It probably looked very bad for your "professional life", and it was bringing a bright flush to your face.

Looking up, you watched as Jack slid his eyes down to you. There was no missing the colour your cheeks had gone - how lucky of you. As quick as you could, you turned away from him; crossing your arms over and trying to be as angry as you could.

"G-get off."



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