Ace x reader | Romeo and Juliet (P1)

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The only thing you could feel was cold.

Cold from the stone-clad wall and cobble-spread floors that caused the loud echoing of your heels to project among the cells. Even as a jailer of Impel Down, the men in the prison still called you by vulgar names as you walked the stretch of bars: hearing the clinking of strained chain. That, and your heart was cold. There was one person you never wanted to see in such a place, someone who was never meant for capture.

Dark-lensed glasses obscuring your (e/c) eyes and a hat perched on your (h/c) hair, you slowly walked your way down the middle row of cells. It looked as casual as a stroll in the park, yet you knew what tore you apart inside; the sadness and despair that had you overcome when he was brought here.

"How 'bout you come get some real fun?"

"I betcha never had real cock before, sweetheart. I can change that!"

It was always the same grotesque shouts and ringing laughter that made you scrunch your nose in disgust. If Magellan wasn't so adamant on you being on your best behaviour, you knew you wouldn't be able to restrain from killing each and every prisoner who had the guts to catcall you.

Level six was definitely your least favourite to work on. The victim's of its eternal capture had way too much to say, too much that it actually irritated you to a point of rage. Although the other levels were bad, this one was just that bit worse. Hell was truly the right nickname for this place. However, it wasn't somewhere you wished he was.

Finally you had come to the last stretch of your lap as you guarded the cells and kept them in check. You could almost feel your heart physically clenching the closer you became, the mental weight baring upon you too heavily. The sight of iron bars were the same wherever you went; unchanging even when you had arrived outside the current most dangerous cell.

Taking a glance from the corner of your eyes, you could see the man you waited to see hanging by his wrists from the wall. His once colourful grin completely void and pulled into a deep frown - his dark hair falling in his eyes. That hat he always wore was no longer on his head and his body was ever so slightly beat. From next to him, the fishman, who too was chained against the wall, looked at you: the serious expression on his face never wavering as he addressed you.


Turning your body so you faced the cell, you gave him a small tilt of your head in acknowledgement. Your throat felt dry as you saw Ace from where you stood.


His head only slightly raised, his dull eyes catching your glass-covered eyes momentarily. Everything felt silent, even the troublesome inmates around you.

"Hey, (y/n)."

"H-hey, stop! Ace! Gyahahahaha!"

You giggled uncontrollably as Ace tickled you, sitting with his knees on either side of you so you didn't escape. A large grin was plastered on his face as you cried at him through loud laugher -  rolling about.

"I suppose it isn't too nice, being locked up."

A sarcastic chuckle slipped his lips as you noticed his hands clench ever so slightly. Even when your heart was tearing in half below the surface, your expression remained unmoving and professional.

"You think?"

"Say, Ace."

Sitting in his lap, his hands were slipped around your waist as his head was buried in the crook of your neck. The warm evening was glorious, speckling sunlight through the trees and onto your features. Humming so you knew he was listening, the man placed a kiss at your shoulder as his thumbs rubbed your hips.

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