Aokiji x reader | I'll Always Be With You (P2)

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I know this one was a request, but I wanted to write about what happened afterwards!

"We weren't at all expecting this to happen, (y/n)."

Haichou - the Ash Butterfly - was who you had become. Admirals took on their epithet with pride, you did too, but you felt that the name was an unintentional dig at the man who your lover was defeated by. The man who had defeated him, and earned his place as Fleet Admiral with his volcanic powers.

With your hands interlaced upon the surface of your large desk, you looked up to the man who was stood before you. His greying hair and his serious expression told you of his wisdom, but his words only cut: even if you kept your posture. With both arms crossed over, the man only watched your serious expression. As a vice admiral you had your liberties, but now you were cast to work entirely. There was no time to take in how much your heart hurt.

"I am aware. I didn't expect him to just... leave like that."

You respected Sakazuki as your superior, forever under his command, but you couldn't help feel salty towards him after what he had done. Even if he did it for work, promotion, justice - you couldn't come to forgive him for his actions. Your lover was a stubborn man who always believed in what's right, but something told you that you would've forgive him either.

"I hate to ask you this, but,"

Sengoku wandered over to the sofa on the other side of your office, taking a seat at it casually as his goat trotted next to him. His eyes met with yours, watching the cold gaze which he had never felt from your kind heart.

"Your relationship with Kuzan... what's going on?"

"What of it?"

Snapping, you detached your laced fingers and pushed back in your chair. The wheels spun as you did, turning to face the large window off to the side as to avoid the old man's gaze. The new Headquarters were great, but you weren't feeling home without him. A sigh left your lips; you didn't mean to be rude to the kind man. The ring on your finger signalling your engagement sparkled in the day's light, reminding you of him.

"Your guess is as good as mine."

"Vice Admiral Kuzan, sir!"

Marine cap too large for your head as it obscured your eyes, you straightened your hand out in salute to the man you stood before. He towered you, sure, but it didn't make you feel any intimidation. Taking a quick glance at you, smiling lazily with a wave, the man addressed you kindly.

"Captain (y/n)! How are you today?"

There was a blush creeping onto your cheeks which you tried to hide by pulling your hat lower over your features. However, the man never missed it even when you grinned brightly.

"I am doing well, sir."


With a quick nod, the man began walking away.

"Congratulations on the promotion, Captain,"

With a small chuckle, Kuzan extended his hand out for you to shake; you taking it gratefully with a smile.

"Or should I say, Vice Admiral."

From your other side, Garp began to laugh. You had met up with all of your new colleagues and were taking the time to introduce yourself to each of them. It was a fun night, really, but you had spent the majority of it around Kuzan and he seemed more than happy to spend that time with you.

"(Y/n)... what did you say?"

There you stood, on the bow of the ship which both you and Kuzan were overlooking while out on duty, the moon high as you closed your eyes. The man couldn't quite believe his ears, you couldn't quite believe you had finally done it. His hand met with yours, making your eyes crack open. There was a smile on his face and even so as his lips met yours. He tasted of rum, you too. The both of you had had a few drinks while the crew had finished up for the night. When he pulled away, you smiled as brightly as him.

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