Bellamy x reader | Leave and Never Come Back

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"That's all I am to you?"

Tears laced your waterline like droplets caught in cobweb strings, the glassy surface reflecting the man who stood before you. Unlike the anger which welled inside of you, shown by your gripped fists and blazing eyes, he had the same damn grin on his face. Both arms crossed while the shit-eating grin plastered his face.

"Whaddya mean 'all I am to you'? Just because I had a fuck somewhere else?"


You lurched forward, gripping the collar of his jacket hard enough that your knuckles turned pale. Your teeth gritted to the point you could feel the tips grinding against each other, your tears tasting salty as they slipping into your lips. Shaking your head, you yanked him down so his eyes were level with yours behind those dark shades of his.


"Chill out! wouldn't wanna ruin those pretty pearlies, tensing 'em like that."

His throaty laugh caused you to let up your grip and take a step back. You had to calm yourself, this was what he wanted. This is what he always caused, and it gave him a right kick to see you beyond anger. Bellamy could see in your eyes that you were trying to null the fire, put away the ignition which always sparked flames inside of you.


His grin stretched further, watching as you breathed raggedly. He took a step closer, once more leaning over you as your eyes darkened.

"I love you like no one else has ever done, ever will. You're my girl and my girl only, yeah?"

He threw his arms out wide momentarily and laughed like the hyena he was, his hands moving to close around your back. His touch was coming closer and closer to your side, making your eyes darken further. You could feel his breath against your earlobe, causing you to hitch yours. Bellamy was more than happy to see your submissive state, his voice low in a whisper.

"Let's just forget about this and take the matter up in the bedroom, (y/n)."

"Get out."

Abruptly, he paused while his hands were millimetres from your hips. His alcoholic breath was warm against your cheek, his grin faltering ever so slightly. A chuckle slipped his lips as you stepped out of his final touch.

"C'mon, stop being a pussy."

"Did I not make myself clear enough for your dense skull? Get out."

There was no falter in your voice as you finally looked him in the eye. He stood back to his full height, easily towering over you. From there you could even smell the potent scent alcohol and of floral perfume on his jacket, something you never wore.

Pirates like you didn't get luxuries, but the whores they fucked did.

Bellamy cocked a brow, giving you a look up and down from behind his sunglasses. You were a volcano ready to explode, the magma-like blood practically bubbling inside of your veins. He was your captain, he could kick you if you faltered. Not like you cared any longer.

"Baby, don't look at me like that."

Each word he said was the final tipping point, the eruption ripping you inside out. Suddenly, you came at him. The knife which was held in your belt pressed to his neck as you blew.

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