Marco x reader | Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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"Get on my ship."

How could he say that. How could this man, far more powerful than anyone else who walked the planet, look down upon a girl stood between the dead bodies of the ones she once loved and ask her to join him. That girl was you - the only survivor of a nightmarish genocide which ripped your island.

You turned around at him, tears lining your eyes as he held out a hand to you which you reached out to. Even when you trembled, the feeling of his warm palm made you tear up further. You were going to finally be safe, safe and okay: perfectly fine.

But there was just one problem.

"(Y/n), mind lending me some berries?"

Ace waltzed over to you as the grand ship of the Moby Dick docked up at a new island. His arm slid around your shoulder, pulling you into his side with a cheeky grin on his lips. You gave him a deep frown, tugging from his grip to reach into your bag. Out came both a pen and a spiral notebook as you began to swiftly scribble something onto its surface.

"I'm not your personal banker."

Reading the words with a pout, Ace sighed as his shoulders slumped. Your one hand was on your hip as you looked at him with a grimace, watching as he mumbled grouchily. There was a laugh from behind you, a touch on your shoulder which made you look over it.

"It's your fault for spending all your money, Ace!"

Vista chuckled heartily as he flashed a grin at the younger man, patting your shoulder in sympathy from having Ace bug you before he walked off to join a few of the others in heading inland.

"But she owes me!"

"Since when did I owe you anything?"

Ace scoffed exasperatedly, stepping forward to poke you hard on the arm with an angered frown. He was just being childish as you rolled you eyes, noticing his arms crossing over.

"What? Lost your memories as well as your voice, huh?"

The taunt elicited a sneer on your features as you kicked him hard in the side. Ace would've just let it phase right through him, that was if you weren't using armament haki as he was send flying. He shot you a glare before rubbing his growing bruise, stomping right up to you to butt his head against yours in challenge.

"You want to fight, (y/n)?"

"Alright, pack it up."

Unexpectedly, you were whisked backwards and off your feet. Ace looked up in a momentary surprise as Marco threw you over his shoulder. You opened your mouth in a silent gasp, settling into the odd way of being carried as you knew the man wouldn't let up.

"But I don't have any money!"

Marco began to walk away towards the village with you over his shoulder, his back facing the childish man. You stared at Ace, pulling your eyelid down and sticking out your tongue: watching him stomp about until Whitebeard himself pulled him up by the back of his open shirt.

The walk was silent, of course as you didn't speak to Marco and he was just carrying you like a sack of potatoes. Your arms were crossed over in a huff, your legs just dangling in front of his chest as the only sound was the crunch of the path under his feet.
It was a pretty normal island, a small village in the middle with just a bit of a hike up a hill. The ground and trees were both luscious - littered with all kinds of wildflower and plants.

You looked back to see where the man was walking, eyes following the village as it slowly passed by. It looked pretty empty; only a few people out and a small market. You were sure the poor place would be wrung dry of anything alcoholic, courtesy of your crew. Something made you wonder why it was all being passed by, tapping on Marco's back in question. Looking to the side, he noticed your questioning look and gave you a smile.

"I thought that going to the village would be boring."

Reaching into your back which Marco had picked up in the process of carrying you, you pulled out the notebook and pen again. He heard the vigorous noise of the pen on the paper, stopping so that you could show him what you wrote.

"You telling me you don't want even one drink?"

Raising an eyebrow, gave him a sideward glance. Offering you a endearing look, he just laughed away as he continued trudging up the hill.

"I heard that this island has some pretty cool views."

As he spoke, he seemed to have arrived. Placing you back on your feet was an easy task, just helping you down as you brushed down your shorts. Marco had a smile as you looked up at him, taking a step forward and offering you his hand. With a slight blush on your cheeks, you followed him through what looked like a cluster of trees. You had to push branches out of your face as they came pinging back at you each time the blonde walked through them, following him to god knows where.

"Damn, would you look at that."

You looked up at the man in confusion as you brushed the last set of branches out of your way, noticing the smile on his lips. It warmed your heart ever so slightly as his gaze connected with yours. You hadn't realised that you were staring until Marco squeezed your hand a little, making you shake yourself back into reality. When you followed his gaze out, you could only grin.

Sure, the sea was blue from the shore. But from where the both of you stood, it was beyond ethereal. The picturesque view of the sparkling waters was framed by draping willows as their branches tickled at the grass' head. Hanging flower in all shades of blue hung from the trunks, creating a frame around the view. Trailing lines of boats far and wide across the horizon as far as the eye could see were traversing the waters. It was like nothing you had ever see before.

Marco released your hand to sit on the floor, kicking his legs out as he rested back on his hands. You watched the reflection in his eyes, his smile making them sparkle as you began to pull yourself down next to him. It was a warm day too, the salty breeze perfect on your heated skin as you closed your eyes.

"I'm sure lucky to be able to see a view like this, with a view like you."

Opening you eyes with a start, you looked beside you to see that a cocky smirk had replaced his former smile. You jokingly punched his arm, your shoulders shaking in silent laughter as he chuckled. From beside you, you got out the paper once more to write something. Marco watched each time your pen would loop around, making neat lines and curves. It was completely mesmerising, watching you do something as simple as write.

"Hey, (y/n)!"

There was a grin on Marco's face as he piped up from the other end of the dining table. You hadn't been in the crew too long, so it was startling to hear your name called so simply. The man held up something which looked like a pen which he found in his pocket, your eyes following as he waved it about.

"Why don't you try writing?"

It was you turn to jolt Marco, gaining his lost attention as you held the notepad up to him eye level. He scanned the words, letting a grin fall across his face as he looked at you. Your head was turned away and a blush was on your face as you smiled. Marco chuckled, moving around to then lie down. It surprised you as he placed his head in your lap, looking up to you from below. One hand of yours went to his cheek, holding him dearly with a loving gaze.

The small breeze ruffled the pages of the closed notebook as it lay upon the floor, the words you had said over all the years fleeting by as it came back to the words you had just written.

"I love you."



Author's Notes

My heart SOB SOB SOB

I love how some author's notes are really detailed but some days, like today as it is 1am, I just completely go clown mode.

Like I'm so tired I am so SORRY-

But yes, good day!


- TransponderSnail

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