Kaido x reader | Thunder and Lightning (P1)

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He was thunder: something you never wanted to hear for the fear that came with it would overpower you like a timid sheep before a wolf. But she was lightning: one step ahead and the beginning of the smite.

With the crunches of sand underneath their feet, a kimono-clad, mask-donned figure strolled though the visually and audibly colourful city which stretched as far as the eye can see. Stalls which fresh food's scent clambered up the passers-by's nose, making their brains mush into one cheerful state. Music made from skin-stretched drums and delicate-necked shamisen floated through the atmospheric day, where the sun shone down on the early-afternoon's people.

The mask was that of a kabuki actor; intimidating yet intriguing with its red, white and black colour scheme which contrasted from the dark-blue to cyan ombré kimono that wrapped its owner's body. However the figure was identifiably female, her chest was slightly exposed and so was what looked to be a jolly rodger tattooed to her open chest.
It was if she was the only person gracing the planet, this was because she strode though the streets, weaving through the desperate crowds like there was nothing stopping her.

If you had looked from afar, the scene was almost romantic. The sway of a fine kimono with the face of the wearer concealed yet beauty still fell upon her aura. However looking closer the sight of a pristine-white katana sword holding up at her hips by a buckled belt, that was completely out of place, you would have realised the slightly blood-tinted atmosphere around her.

Her body guided her off from the central action, down an alley which clouded with dust from the footpath. No one was there; only her and her alone.

"No! You have to think about what Kin'emon said!"

The figure stopped short of the end of the darkened alley as she heard a high-pitched woman's voice scream-whisper to someone very close to her.

"Just let me go, geez!"

The woman heard the other lady speaking to another, and that other turned out to be the voice of a man who sounded rather annoyed and slightly wild.


Her thoughts processed over and over in her mind as she instantly knew who they were talking about yet for some reason she couldn't place who they were. The cogs in her mind stopped, she had come to the thought. That if she didn't know them, they wouldn't know her. With slow steps she resumed her pace from before, moving out of the alley. She never looked to the side but felt as she passed the figures as if time stopped.

Her head never moved yet she felt a pair of eyes slowly move onto her as the counter looked down to her sword, she felt it all in her mind. Her kimono was short, flush with her mid-thigh, exposing a tattoo of dark blue clouds that rolled down her thigh to her knee on the left side. The person who eyed her had recognised the prominent art.
Time was still slow, but suddenly she gripped the hilt of her sword and pulled it of a ruler's length upwards, shielding herself from the figure who attempting to spear their sword into her hip.
Not once turning to the attacker, and them not moving their eyes from the side of her mask, the man spoke with a mix of slightly suspicion voice and amusement, feeling the aura of menace around her.

"Considering you held yourself with no effort against my attack,"

He slowly moved the tip of his blade so that it pointed directly to the red and gold tassel which hung from the mask's side.

"You can't just be a nobody."

From under the mask, unknowing to anyone around her, she smiled, the mysterious woman spoke with an equally amused voice as she used the tip of her delicate finger to push away the sharp katana.

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