Ace x reader | Romeo and Juliet (P2)

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"... the blood lives on."

The whole crew known as the Straw Hat Pirates stood before you on the deck of their ship.

Nami had whispered her words with a sharp intake of breath, her hand over her mouth in surprise. There was a smile rested peacefully on your features, directed at Luffy who stood before you. His large eyes weren't on you, but on the small child who clung to your leg.

"Is... is he really Ace's kid?"

Crouching down, Luffy looked at the child.

The toddler boy was gripping onto the leg of your trousers, his tiny features scrunching up in a scared frown. Luffy noticed his dark hair, almost black even in the sunlight that bounced upon his ship. The child had (e/c) eyes he noticed looked just like yours, a smattering of familiar freckles on his chubby cheeks.

You placed a hand on the boy's head, causing the captain to stand up to full height once more. There was a fond look on your face as you looked down on your son.

"His name is Portgas D. Sol. But of course, I won't be letting any other person know who his father is and what his full name is."

Turning back to the man who was the child's uncle, you gave him a sad grin. Luffy and he crew noticed the look, keeping quiet as you stroked Sol's hair. But then, Luffy's eyes went wide as some people started with a gasp as you folded yourself into a bow. Your head was down as you spoke to your lover's brother.

"Luffy, I promise you that I will take care of him with all my life. Thank you for being Ace's brother, he was lucky to have had you."

Raising your head, you took a glance around his crew. Your smile widened as you picked up your son. He was laughing as you did so, the large grin so symbolic to the name of D shining on his small features.

"Although he is Ace's and my child, me and Whitebeard's first division commander - Marco - are both making sure that he has the happiest childhood."

Luffy started to reciprocate your son's grin, putting both hand on his hips happily.

"He looks like Ace, huh?"

From the captain's side, the swordsman known as Zoro piped up. He had only met Ace once, but the child and the man had the same energy around them; a mischievous and adventurous spirit. You nodded, letting Nami hold Sol for a bit as you laughed.

"Oh yeah he does. You wouldn't have a clue he was my son just looking at him."

"How did you and Ace meet?"

Robin, who was stood next to Nami holding Sol, turned to you and gave you a curious look. You tried to stifle a giggle, humming with a thoughtful look.

"Well actually, it's a long story. We met many years ago but unfortunately I happened to be working as a Jailer of Impel Down."

The crew had your full attention, a mutual confusion rippling through the group of friends.

"Whitebeard would've killed us if we had made our relationship known, but don't worry. I left my job the day before Luffy broke in."

There was a comfortable muteness, the sound of the waves lapping against the side of the Sunny; your smaller boat clinking against the side in the small jostle of wind. Everyone was calm, content with smiles on their faces. Luffy, however, looked the happiest. You could tell that from anything, how his grin settled into a small smile as he looked at your son in his Nakama's arms.

"Ace lives on in him."

The captain's words caused your eyes to momentarily widen, before small tears settled in your waterline to compliment your smile. Even when your heart clenched lightly, you were beyond grateful you were the one who helped carry on the spirit of the man who the world came to know as Fire Fist Ace. You looked to your son and could almost see the flames of his father's eyes in his own.

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