LIME | Crocodile x reader | Cellmates

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*not really a lemon as it doesn't go too far, but a pretty rough and explicit lime*

Laughter and darkness, those were the two things unable to be quelled in the level six of impel down. The echoing yet shaking laughter was being projected from wall to wall inside the pitch stronghold. Bars of kairouseki made sure that the people who lurked there never stood against their captivity.
Chains rattled as the one laughing moved in her restraints chained her right ankle to the floor.

"Would you shut up and stop laughing, deluded woman?"

Growling from the back of his throat a man who sat nearby, the only one sharing the cage, clicked his tongue at the sound of the chains.

"Why don't you come over and shut me up yourself, Croc?"

Her taunting tone made the man clench his teeth in frustration as he sat near the back of the small room.
The woman he had spoken to had a lock on her ankle and a small tattoo of a smiling face with a line through it under her wild eyes; her neck littered with teeth marks and bruises which stood out even in the dark. Her loose laughter was enough to make anyone   
be on edge as she whispered to the air.

"Ah, Doffy... how i wish you could have been the one to chain me up like this~"

Crocodile grimaced at her erotic words as she talked of a man he disliked.
She was famous: the (y/n) who was behind the mass murders of three whole islands, after her and her "family" had taken a liking to their amount of gold.

"How I wish you could touch me in places that make me scream~!"

Her giggles really go to him as he stood up and moved in front of the woman, shading her from the smallest gap of light that was allowed into the place.

"How about you shut up. Your stupid Doflamingo isn't coming back."

She hummed quietly as she looked up at the man above her, observing him as he scowled.

"Croc, I know you hate Doffy but what can you do about it?"

She leaned up so that her face was in his personal space.

"Want what Doffy always got?"

Suddenly his hand flew to her neck, gripping her rather hard. Through this she smiled like a kid at a playground as he pulled her up so she was off the ground, chains almost straining. He forced her back against the wall as she hung only by his grip. He moved his face closer to her ear, his breath fanning her lobes and his grip tightening as she licked her lips.

"I can get whatever I want, and I will."

His teeth grazed her neck as he moved his hand down to her ass as she dropped back to her feet. She giggled as she felt him pull her ass, asking her to jump and wrap her legs around his waist. Crocodile pressed (y/n) up against the cold wall as he began to bite into her neck, adding bruises to the ones he made from previous taunts from the woman.
She hand her arms over his broad shoulders and was moaning his name softly and gripping his hair tightly.

"Mmh~ c-crocodile~"

She smiled at the pain of his teeth sinking into her once-smooth skin, blood pouring down her body like water from a shower. His hands groped her hard as she moaned loudly, him quickly capturing her lips with his.
The rough movements of his tongue against hers made her attempt to gasp for air, trying to melt further into the way he bit harder into her lip.

"I can't wait until we get out of this place and I can fuck you over my desk until you're screaming my name..."

The dominant man mumbled into her moans. Her fingers travelled his slick hair, pushing him further into their hot make out, their tongues now involved.
Crocodile bit her lip once more before sucking large bruises onto her jaw and down her body. Her hands travelled to his rather strong chest through the prison clothes he wore, moving down to where his trousers started.
(Y/n) jumped down from him and slid her hands down to where his zipper was, crouching down. She looked up into his eyes as he smirked, holding her head as she slowly zipped down the zip.

"Can you guys not? I'm trying to sleep."

The woman stopped zipping down his zipped and Crocodile turned around to look at the cell across from theirs. (Y/n) hummed, looking at the prisoner with a wide smirk.

"You want a try, Ace?"

He smiled jokingly as he looked the woman up and down; looking at the huge numbers of bloody teeth marks and bruises that crowded her chest, jaw and neck. But he laughed.

"Nah, I'm okay. I don't know how I feel about second hand whores who have been through two shichibukai in the space of a month."

The woman's smile never left but Crocodile spoke up, slithering a hooked hand around (y/n)'s small waist.

"Don't worry about us, I'll be taking her daily when we get out of this shithole."

And from beside Ace someone coughed; it was Jinbei.

"Well it's a pretty sad sight to see someone who was rescued by my old captain now being manipulated by men,"

Jinbei looked right at the wild lady.

"Former Slave, (y/n)."



Authors note

Omg I enjoyed writing that so much because croco is SEXC.

Anyway, I will make things more descriptive and thats the last shot for today.

Enjoy reading!

- TransponderSnail

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