Killer x reader | For as Long as the Sea Still Breathes

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'What a stunning goddess I have come across~!'

The tall mangroves of Sabaody towered over the figures as with prestige and gentlemanly behaviour, Sanji came towards the young lady who had a large smile on her face. He came twirling at her with his arm out as he spoke,

'Will I ever witness such beauty again~'

And his speech didn't last long as the girl lifted hand and punched it outwards at the man slowly. His crew mates behind him stiffened until they saw the pace at which she was coming forward when they relaxed. He had his eyes closed and was smirking so he didn't realise that she her fist was slowly coming towards his own face until it connected. The crew around him watched, eyes wide, as he flew backwards about one hundred yards and hit a wall, hard. The crew got suddenly into battle stances and watched as the woman continued to smile at them like nothing had happened. Zoro clicked his tongue and unsheathed one of his swords.

'Damn ero-cook...'

He came hurtling towards the woman not too much older that himself, blade glinting. As he got closer and his sword came centimetres from her face, she was whisked back and the clash of metal on metal echoed.


Zoro strained against another blade - yet this one was a curved scythe which a masked man had weilded. The two pushed off eachother, Zoro landing back near his nakama and the man - woman held by her waist - backwards. And there they stood.

'Zoro! Sanji! Hey, you!'

Luffy was stretching his hand around and around as if he prepared to fight when a voice came from under the mask.

'Careful. Pirate Hunter, Mugiwara.'

The room was dark. Only broken slabs of wood and tile held the small place together: and it was barely big enough to hold the amount of people in it.

"(Y/n)-chan, how do we know this isn't some kind of trap?"

Sanji was directly facing the latter as the people in the room looked the young woman who had her hands bound by sea stone cuffs. He took a drag on his cigarette puffing out a cloud as Law, who was stood arms crossed by the door, glared daggers into her. Her smile was still wide as she looked at the blonde.

"Black Leg, I'm telling you. I have no plans to harm or go against anyone in this room - not now in this situation,"

She shuffled so she was cross-legged, chains clinking. Her short, purple and orange kimono wrapping her body. Facing the ceiling she laughed lightly and seemingly half-heartedly.

"Kaido and Wano itself has dealt far too big a blow to me for things as simple as lies to come out of my mouth,"

Her eyes moved, then her head, so she faced Law who was staring into her soul.

"Although, Law-kun, this seems a far harsher treatment to give me,"

The woman rattled her hands in the grip of the handcuffs.

"Considering I'm not even an ability user."

Law gritted his teeth as he looked at the amused woman to who Usopp looked between concerned for how this would end.

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