LEMON | Jabra x reader | Every Time

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... you're welcome, fellow Jabra fans.

"You can't just leave your shit lying all over the lounge area! Stop acting like this whole damn place is yours!"

Every time.

Whenever riot broke out in the afternoon island of Enies Lobby, it didn't take a lot of thinking to know who caused it. One minute, the place would be as professional as any government building and the next, there would be all kinds of chaos. Shouting, between the same two people; you being one of them.

"This place isn't yours either!"

Jabra once again had numerous bottles of hard liquor strewn across possibly every surface there was to see in the place. Quite frankly, you were sick of finishing training and going to sit on a sofa only to find your space - and every other - had been taken up by a discarded bottle.

The man was up in your face, towering over you considering your small height. You always got made fun of for that one. However, you had the strength of an ox on your side, that was without a devil fruit as well; pulling him down to eye level while a grunt slipped his lips.

"Jabra, you have ten minutes to clean this up or I will make you regret breathing."

Every fibre of your being and how you presented yourself was making it clear you weren't up for shit, seething through clenched teeth. But somehow, just somehow, Jabra thought everything was all well and grand - bearing his teeth into a wolfish grin. Huh, how fitting.

"Make me."

"Oh I will."

Lucci was seated in one of the main office's many chairs, a glass of fine red wine perched in his hand. For once, it seemed to be quiet. Silence was something he couldn't get enough of as he thought everyone else was too idiotic for his liking. Hattori was seated on his shoulder, gently cooing away with a neat, black tie around his neck. Nothing could've possibly ruined his day, that was what he had hoped. Nothing, until Jabra was literally sent smashing through the actual wall and came crashing into the middle of the room.

Unfortunately, the wall had a human-like hole pushed into it, the area around said hole crumbing away under the loss of pressure which held it together. The plaster and dust which had been kicked violently into the air, shrouding the room, made it almost impossible for anyone to see in.

"W-what in the hell?!"

Spandam practically shot up from his seat at his desk, slamming his hands loudly on the surface in completely shock that his wall had just come crashing partially in. He had to squint through the dust with a tense look, just making out Jabra's form as he coughed from the thick air.

The wolfish man struggled to get himself sitting upright, one hand clutching at his chest while the other held him up. One eye was closed in a wince as he breathed heavily. Although it was already hard for him to see, he noticed a quick, jet-black mass coming barrelling towards him. Jabra had no time to react, eyes widening all too late as his back was slammed against the floor once more; a sharp knee digging into his chest painfully.

"I hope you learn your lesson from this."

You couldn't contain your anger, done with his stupidity and lack of respect for others. Although, it was hard for you to be justified in the realm of respect, considering you had him pinned to the ground. Just as the dust cleared, though, your little fight was rudely interrupted by your body being lifted up off of the ground by the back out your shirt.

"(Y/n)! This is going to come out of your wages, stupid woman!"

The director was a weak man, but his height made it easy for him to pick you up by your collar. He practically shouted at you, completely livid that you had yet again broken through the walls of the building. Jabra had managed to get up and was brushing himself down, earning a disapproving glare from Lucci who was still sitting around like nothing happened.

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