Jabra x reader | Hurting my Heart

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Wake up, eat, train, assassinate, sleep.

For as long as you could remember and as long as you had breathed, this has been the life you led. Growing up on a Government island made for producing only the best Cipher Pol agents wasn't something any child should've experienced - but you did. From the day that you learnt to fight right up until now, as a current member of Cipher Pol Number 9, you had been controlled like a puppet on strings by the government. However, just like everyone else, that was all you knew. You never objected and you never made any complaints: those things like 'freedom' and 'liberty' didn't exist in your vocabulary.

What's more, emotion wasn't something overly explored in your profession. Everyday you would feel the same. Feel this blank, unthinking state of mind which was what fuelled you to do your job. You alongside the infamous man in your unit, Rob Lucci, were regarded as some of the finest assassins that the government raised; completing each mission to a T.

The other members of Cipher Pol Number 9 were pretty unbothered when it came to you. You weren't annoying and insufferable in any shape or form, nor were you pleasant and agreeable. If someone were to talk to you, you'd reply. If not, you wouldn't speak. The human personification of minding one's own business. Unlike Lucci, you were not full of conceit, either.

Howbeit, there was one man who flipped a switch in your mentality without so much as even raising a finger to said switch.

Jabra was pretty much different. Sure, he was full of pride and was pretty intolerable to most who came across him. Kaku and Lucci were ones who usually experienced his full-on personality, full of pride and... drinking. You, however, were mainly on the sidelines; watching as he went about his day doing this and that like nobody's business.

It all began one day when he checked if you, the perfect assassin, were okay. This was all because you had almost punched a hole through the training room wall out of frustration, hoping no one saw you break the boundaries of your emotionless perfection.


The loud sound of concrete walls cracking under an immense burst of raw power mixed with a little bit of tekkai echoed inside of the training room as you stood in it, alone. Door closed, you had hoped that the ringing crack was muffled enough so that people didn't come running to see what had happened. You weren't inclined to deal with the director so late at night.

Your hand was seriously throbbing. It was so damn infuriating that it hurt, why did something so stupid hurt when you were unstoppable? Even your tekkai seemed to be as weak as you felt as it didn't do much effect. To a normal human, the damage done to the wall would've been impressive. To you, it was just another failure out of frustration as you stood there with fist clenched.

"What the damn hell is someone doing so late at- (y/n)?"

Being abruptly forced off of your train of thought, you turned to look at the large, metal door to see someone standing there - a look of surprise on their face. You tried to compose yourself, although still looking a little shaken as you addressed the man who was Jabra. He looked you up and down, clearly noticing how tired you had become from not sleeping and spending the whole time training. From the way your skin under your eyes had blackened to the way you slightly swayed like a blade of grass in the wind.

"Do you even know what time it is?"

Jabra was leaning up against the doorframe ever so slightly as he addressed you with some level of concern. Of course, you could hardly make out his figure due to the absolute exhaustion which was dragging your eyelids shut and messing with your focus.

"No, I don't."

The feeling of sleep was overcoming you as you stood. How long had it been since you last closed your eyes? You had most certainly spent all day in the training room and even last night you were training. Jabra raised an eyebrow, slightly worried deep down as he watched you begin to sway a little harder.

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