Sengoku x reader | Oblivious

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Writing about the Marines in their younger days is TOO much fun.

"(Y/n), one day one of us is going to end up on our faces if you keep leaving these things lying around."

Tsuru looked at you through the reflection of the bathroom mirror, combing through her silky, black hair. You stood up straight having just been bent over to pick up your pair of pistols, the pair your poor roommate had almost tripped over about three times that morning.

You grinned.

"Apologies. Although, I can't seem to find a mount for them anywhere..."

You scratched your chin thoughtfully, looking every which way to find what you were looking for. Your friend simply sighed at your antics.

"That's because rifles are the expected choice, not pistols."

To solidify her point, she came out of the bathroom and reached up over the bed on her side of the room - pulling her rifle off of its mount.

The gun was well kept, clean and loaded neatly. Your guns, however, were scuffed along the edges from how much you threw them around and had dents here, there and everywhere. No single part of the body was intact and it was a wonder that they were still working.

"Rifle, shmifle. There's no fun with being able to hit a target from complete long range,"

As the two of you headed for the door, Tsuru opened it and let you go out first. Your hands were resting behind your head, that permanent cheeky look still on your face.

"I prefer my enemies to see me coming."

Once again for the fiftieth time that day, your friend huffed.

"Sometimes I think you're just as bad as Garp."

Laughing her off, you waved a dismissive hand.

"Oh, give over."

Your voice echoed down the hall that held the dorms, your footsteps too. The place was practically empty and there was no sign of life, just you and your all-too-serious friend. The two of you carried on your walk. Much to poor Tsuru's dismay, you carried on talking her ear off; often walking backwards as you explained some kind of grand story about this thing, that thing or the next. Although, she was used to it and remained quiet.

She was more concerned over your uniform, worried that you would get sent back to the dorm. Marines of your level were expected to wear their shirt with their scarf-ties through the collar, yet for some odd reason, you took to using your scarf as some kind of hairband. Not only that, your buttons were a little too revealing. Not a good look for the working woman.

However, you knew that your superiors didn't care. Why? You were good at what you did. At the rate you, Tsuru and the others were going at, you would be promoted in no time.

Talking of others, the completing two to your little squad of top recruits happened to turn around the corner across from you. They clearly noticed.

"Tsuru! (Y/n)!"

You were lost in conversation with Tsuru, more like one-sided chatter on your behalf, when a loud voice made the two of you look up. From across the hallway and coming in your direction, was a young man your age. He was grinning brightly, waving his hand in your direction.

"Good morning, Garp."

The man immediately sped on over, standing right before you.

"Oi dipshit, did you get the goods?"

Garp turned to you when you called out. He seemed to understand exactly what you were saying, his grin extending even further. How that was possible, you would never know.

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