Zoro x reader | Okay, You Were Right.

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"Oi, Oi, Oi!"

You stomped right across the deck to where your ship's guest, Trafalgar Law, was stood looking out at the blue sea from the railings. He was resting his sword on his shoulder and turned to see you stood behind him.

"What, (y/n)-ya? Have you come to be annoying?"

A look of rage crossed your face as you gasped offendedly, pointing a finger at him as you scoffed.

"Shut it, Trafalgar Law! I don't want to hear that from you!"

"You are so like your brother it annoys me."

This is how it was every single day since Law stepped foot on the Sunny. Right off the bat, the man had only been condescending towards you - an absolute annoyance - just because of a relation to someone he thought sourly of.

No one stopped your rage, of course. It wasn't something the others wanted to concern themselves with. Well, at the beginning your fellow crew members would try and stop you from lashing out at the surgeon yet the further it advanced, the more unbothered and weary they would become.

"The hell? I'm nothing like that good-for-nothing tyrant! Kid is just all talk, I could easily flatten him if I wanted!"

Law smirked at you before you felt your blood boil even further. Your hand raised up to him to personally wipe the smirk off his shitty face when someone called your name from behind. It seemed that Law's smirk only widened at the sight of who called. It hadn't occurred to you who was the person calling but as you turned, Law almost wanted to snicker at the shade your face went. The shade that matched your brother's damned hair.


Leaning out from the hatch under the crow's nest which doubled as a training room was a certain man with hair the colour of Marimo moss and grassy plains; Zoro. His right hand was holding onto the ladder and his left was casually resting upon his swords as he looked down at you.


"Looks like you're all bark and no bite, (y/n)-ya."

You shot the stupid surgeon a glare before waltzing over to the foot of the training room, looking up to see Zoro motioning for you to go up. As you gave a puzzled look, the man then disappeared back into the room leaving you with your hands at the first few rungs of the ladder to climb up.

"Remember to use protection, doctor's orders."


Law knew exactly the issue. How you would always admire Zoro from afar while also trying to not seem interested. How you constantly got nervous while around him and how you, once powerful, would turn to a dilapidated mush on the floor when he spoke to you.

As your hand reached the hatch at the bottom and you clicked it open with a simple push, you hauled yourself up into the room. It was a pretty tidy room. The only ones who used it regularly were either you or Zoro; the people of the crew who enjoyed weight training. Yet somehow you had always avoided training at the same time - that being almost impossible as you often had to wait until the latest times of night so you weren't disturbed.

"Hey, Zoro."

Only Zoro heard your voice become this tentative.

It was only him who you got nervous around. Was his quiet and strong-willed demeanour or his tall figure which towered you which made you stutter? No. It was the pure fact your idiot heart decided to cling to what wasn't yours; someone who was nakama. Sure you had had crushes in the past but they were all easily chased off by your brute of an older brother, violent ass...

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