Oven x reader | Hotheaded (P2)

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Bege's ship was pulling further and further from the coast as the colossal wedding cake which Sanji had made was sat on the deck. No one was calm, the stress of leaving quick enough and getting away with no issues left a tension on board. Sanji was gritting his teeth, watching as the edge of the island went further and further away. There was only one thing he could think about, and that was his nakama who waited for him with the Sunny.

Oven was stood, hands in the water, as his devil fruit took the liquid and made it boil past boiling point. Sanji watched worriedly as the cake looked as if it would melt, turning his gaze to Oven's who was not taking his eyes off of anything but one thing - you. You were leaning against the railings of Bege's ship, closing your eyes tightly with clenched fists.


Sanji called your name, causing you to look at him as he kept his eyes on the man who you had married. You tore your eyes from the blonde to look at your husband, noticing his expression. Anyone else would be able to see anger, but you only saw hurt deep in his eyes. A lump swelled up in your throat as you tried to breathe, tears pricking at waterline as the ship was pretty far from the shore.

"Are you... okay with leaving him?"

Sanji's words meant no harm as he picked them carefully, but he could see you clutching at your chest from the corner of his eyes. Smoke curled around his body as you could only think of what time had done to you.

You were bored of trying to make him wake up as he held you to his chest - falling back into slumber in seconds. But Oven did wake just after you went back to sleep, opening his eyes slowly. He could feel the weight of something against his chest, soft breaths ricocheting off of his skin as he looked down. His frown turned into a soft expression upon seeing that you were lying on top of him in a completely peaceful sleep. Your hair was falling in your face and your lips were slightly parted. He noticed the corners of your mouth were turned up, almost as if you were smiling; your hands pressed against his muscly chest.

Oven moved slowly to a seated position - both feet back on the floor as you lay in his lap. He didn't want to wake you, you seemed too exhausted. All that shouting and all that anger definitely must've tired you out, and it was making him feel guilty. His fingers brushed the hair away from your face as he looked down to you, a small smile on his features as he watched you calmly. Your chest rose and fell with each intake of breath, one of your hands was across your stomach and the other was just resting at your side. Without realising, the man reached and touched your hand, holding it in his as he tangled his fingers with yours. Your hand was pretty cold, and you smiled wider in your sleep when his warm touch spread through your fingers.


At the call of his name, Oven turned slightly to look at the door behind him: giving a nod to Katakuri who had just walked into the room.

"Evening, Katakuri."

His brother took a seat on the sofa opposite, crossing one leg over the other as his magenta eyes travelled down to you. He was actually surprised to see you being so calm in your fiancée's hold, normally such a complaining and as he would call "irritating" woman.

"Have you two finally stopped yelling?"

The monotonous words elicited a laugh from Oven, his eyes still looking down upon you as you slept.

"I think we have figured it out."

Katakuri watched as the tension left his brother's shoulders as he spoke. There was something about Oven's expression which meant he was happy yet had some form of regret. Clearly the hothead knew Katakuri was thinking this.

"I feel pretty bad, you know."

His hand tightened around yours momentarily, a huff leaving his lips as he noticed your eyes scrunch up a little in your sleep. Katakuri was a good listener, so he was just watching the two who were arguing only the day before.

"I think I've come to realise I love her more than I want to admit."

"Then let her know that."

Oven snapped his head up to look up at his brother, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly as he processed the words. Chuckling, he pulled his hand from yours and crossed his arms over.

"Maybe I will."

Sanji happened to see it all. He was up in his room a floor above one of the large balconies which had an amazing view of the city, noticing you and Oven stood overlooking the sparkling lights and setting sun. He never thought that he would hear what he did, but he knew you had just made it harder to ever go back to Luffy now.


You look a glance up at Oven, watching the golden light reflect in his eyes as you placed your hand on top of his. He caught your hold, twisting his fingers in between yours as he gave you what you could only describe as an apologetic smile. You only grinned, a content glitter in your eyes as you felt the warmth in your cheeks.

"I know we got off on the wrong foot, I'm so sorry about that."

"Are you kidding? It's no issue, not anymore..."

Your words trailed off with a laugh, taking a squeeze at his hand as you leaned against him. You could hear his heart drumming in his chest, like a marching band. It was strange, how safe you felt; despite having fallen in love with a hotheaded man like him.

"Will you be happy to... marry me?"

There was nothing stopping you from saying yes but, of course, your crew was there to consider. You loved Luffy and the others like family, but there was something beautiful about falling in love that you had never experienced. It's hard finding the right person, but you knew what you had to do.

"Of course."


You finally spoke.

It took all your courage not to cry as you stood slowly to your feet. Unknowing to you, Sanji knew of all that happened and how you had happily married the man you loved. He knew that you were finding this harder than anyone else, especially now in these final moments of being on Whole Cake Island.

Sanji's eyes widened as you jumped up on the railings, causing Bege to swing around at you and growl in annoyance.

"Get down from there, girl! Are you crazy? Do you not see what is happening?"

Everyone watched as your hand turned momentarily into swirling wind, kicking up dust from the railing. You showed your white and airy logia, letting it ruffle your hair before it turned back to flesh. Sanji could only close his eyes, aware of what you had decided.
The chaos around sounded calm, calm in the moment.

"It's okay, go back to him."


His eyes suddenly shot open, his shocked gaze landing on you with wide eyes. He could see your clenched fists, your sad voice being replaced by determination.

"Tell Luffy I'm coming, just give me time. Tell him that I became a Charlotte, but that I'm coming to Wano as soon as I can."

The surprise as you jumped off of the side, body dissipating into swift gales of wind as you went soaring back inland, took Sanji aback. A smile replaced his stone features as he nodded - watching as you turned back into a solid mass right next to your husband who wrapped an arm around you in relief.

"See you soon, (y/n)."



Author's Notes

Our man deserved a part two.

A little side note, I apologise from deep within me if I can't ever upload daily. Sometimes I struggle with regulating myself in general, so I worry that if I stop posting daily, I will not post at all. Please understand if there are timing issues, thank you!

Have a wonderful day


- TransponderSnail

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