Oden x reader | Helpful Protection (P1)

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Oden's expression contorted from one merely of confusion into one of annoyance. That strange and funny face, one that made you want to laugh your lungs out. You, as you stood before him wearing only a tattered kimono and geta that looked like they were only doing half their intended job.

The boy to his left and the boy to his right glanced between you and their "leader", wondering what would happen from there on out. After all, a strange young woman with no family, no friend and no opportunities just asked to follow along.

"I promise I'm strong."

You nodded enthusiastically while raising a curled bicep to prove a point, practically pleading to follow on. As much as you would've liked him to listen, the shogun's son moved past you and down the dusty lane.

"Oden-sama, maybe-"

Kin'emon didn't manage to get his words out before he realised Oden was too far down the path, the young man quickly shutting up to run after him. He didn't want to be left behind either. The other boy named Denjiro gave you one swift look of concern, before following after with speed.

Who cares, you just did the same.


"Geez, Oden-sama! How can you let it get this bad?"

You scolded your lord like a frustrated mother, holding his folded jacket against your knees. There was a large tear just down one side, making the fabric fray and buckle.


Under your knife-like glare, the man just gave a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. You rolled your eyes, leaning over to drag your extremely heavy box of sewing knickknacks up next to you. It was helpful having it around, especially as the younger ones always seemed to find themselves in a clothing pickle. Of course, the lord himself too.

"You know better than this."

Pausing as you lifted the lid, you redirected your eyes towards Oden once more. He was just lying across the floor doing fuck all while you had the kindness in you to help him. What an excellent lord you had in your castle.

"In fact, do it again," you pointed a finger at him and he winced as if you were planning on using it to skewer his eyes out of their sockets, "and I'll boil you alive."

"Hey, hey," Quickly, he sat up with his hands in the air. When he should've been looking sorry, he only laughed and grinned at you. Typical idiot. "You wouldn't really do that to me, eh?"

He winked jokingly, earning yet another eye roll and audible huff. You ignored his stupidity and continued to thread your needle, having finally found the right colour for the jacket. But you had to admit, his wink made you forcibly hide your cheek's light dusting of pink with a scowl.

There was a silence that captured the room. From where the two of you sat you could only head the distant bustle of the town below the castle, the birds too as they flew along the trails of open, cerulean blue sky. At least it was peaceful until you heard your companion beginning shift.

"Anyway, I'm going to-"

"Oh, no you don't."

Just as he began pushing himself to a stand, you launched right into his chest and pinned him down. The man let out a grunt and moved to swipe you away, but you gave him a firm stare as you menacingly leaned down over him.

"You'll be staying there for a damn minute, Oden-sama. You really think I can sew this thing without having a figure to fit it to?"

With a childish whine, he was forced to comply.

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