Rayleigh x reader | an Era Gone By

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"So he's getting worse?"

You held a ornately-cut glass of whiskey in one hand, swirling the golden liquid round and round as you leaned over the railing; looking out to the sea ahead.

"You could say that."

Glancing over your shoulder, you caught the bespectacled eyes of a blonde man who was holding a bottle of rum by its neck. You could see the small smile on his face in the dim moon light; but the upturned and happy gesture didn't do so much as reach his eyes. A sigh bubbled from your lips only to be caught with the glass' edge as you took a sip of your drink, feeling the alcohol burning down your throat.

"(Y/n), you don't have to worry. This adventure... he won't let it end so suddenly."

You could only turn the corners of your mouth into a solemn smile, looking down upon your own reflection in the still waters. Everything was quiet, you could only hear the sound of the softly lapping waves and the creak of the ship's components as it lay on the sea. There was a touch to your shoulder which brought you out of your thoughts, making you turn your head as your body was pulled backwards. Your back made contact with the man's chest as he held you close, one arm around your waist and the other still holding his rum bottle.

"It's all going to be fine."

The whole auction house was in a complete mess. People scrambled to the doors after what had happened. Monkey D. Luffy had punched a world noble - a Celestial Dragon. There were onlookers, mainly that of two other Supernova captains along with the boy's crew. Quite frankly, you couldn't believe there was such an idiotic child existing in this world; but you knew that the straw hat on his head carried some kind of spunk which infected its wearer.

"Do you even realise what you've done, kiddo?"

Placing a hand on Luffy's shoulder, you gave him a bored look before walking past him and up the steps. He seemed unfazed about the possible backlash doing such a thing would incur, simply more worried for his fishman friend. You shoved your hands in your pockets, taking each step at a time as you walked closer to the doors. It was a fun day, watching the insanity of that hat's most recent owner, but it was wearing you out fast.

"You're from the old era, aren't you."

Your leisurely exit was stopped by the redhead who was stood by the door with his crew. As you gave him an uninterested glance, you noticed a curious yet mocking smirk curled onto his features.

"You calling me old, rookie?"

Eustass "Captain" Kid let a chuckle rip from his throat, his tangerine eyes searching your blank look for something. There was nothing of interest to see, just someone who looked bored being in the auction house as you blinked at him a few times; raising you finger to point at him lazily.

"I'm not even fifty yet, got a few years-"

Suddenly, your words were taken right out of your mouth as there was a massive bang down on the stage. You narrowed your eyes as both you and Kid snapped your heads towards the sound, watching with surprise as what looked to be... a giant who just stepped right through the wall.

But that wasn't all.

Something was off. Like there was a twinge of familiarity which hit your heart dead center, knocking your mind slightly off balance. You were never gifted with armament haki, but your observation was something to marvel at. Eyes going wide, you felt your heart thump like the chug of Water 7's sea train; yet rushing at a million miles per hour. Dust was kicked up at the front of the room from the wall's plaster, causing the stage to be obscured.

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