Kid x reader | Learning to Love

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I'm just going to give a trigger warning for a few things in this as it is will be triggering for some, so please be aware. No one is truly alone, please always know that.

"Get out, (y/n)."

Your fists clenched at your side as Kid's face was mere inches from yours, the low and dangerous warning voice that the man was displaying did nothing to ruffle you. You could feel his humid breath on your cheek, knowing he was leaning over you as your mind formed the picture of the man for you. Observation haki was a saviour, and you were in its debt.

"Fuck you."


The light spray of his spit as it hit your soft cheeks from his roaring yell caused you to wrinkle your nose, his hand colliding with the wall above your head in complete blind rage. Your mouth twitched in anger as you shoved him hard on the chest, moving past him towards the door of his workshop. The only thing you could do is try to calm yourself, yet even that didn't really work: the anger exploding from you with a spit.

"I fucking hate you."

As the door slammed, rattling the walls, you could hear stuff being thrown around as he erupted into a fit of rage behind you inside the room.

Every. Single. Day.

From the moment you woke up to the time you would sleep, you never got on with your captain. Although you loved your crew dearly, he decided to make your life just that much worse and cause anger to bubble inside of you like a rocket ready to launch. Your nakama had gotten so used to watching you stomping your way back to your cabin to cry yourself stupid in frustration that they never liked to intervene. The others were sure Killer was worried for you, Heat and Wire too, albeit they never took it upon themselves to talk to Kid.

Why didn't you get along, you might ask?

You were blind.

Kid was not a sympathetic man, that was just a piece of common knowledge. When it came to his crew, he only thought of power and of fighting spirit - recruiting the best of the best he happened to come across. You were no different, known across the Grand Line for your fighting skill and for your observation haki which was like no other.

Yet, Kid always found it to be a burden. As if you weren't a good fighter and that your blindness was something hindering him. Especially when he would ask you to do jobs which you couldn't do: things as simple as scouting the area or doing menial shopping tasks.

There was no one else with this ability at this standard, except Admiral Fujitora of the marines. You had never met the man, but heard stories of him and had learnt that he was blind of his own accord:

Much like you.

The sheets were gripping in your hands, dripping in your own crimson blood as you cried your eyes dry in the space of your small room. Being the only woman onboard, the room belonged to you and you alone. Each time you would run your fingers over the deep snags across your thighs and arms, usually covered by your high-necked jumper and long trousers, a thrilling twinge would cause you to laugh to yourself. How you wish you couldn't cry, to have no sight and no tears. The only way you could see was through the wispy pictures your haki projected in your mind - always dotted with blood and with pain. The only thing you could feel through your state of numbing, was the throb of the slash which was horizontal across both eyes.

You've seen too much.

Too much war, peril and death.

There was only one thing you could think about; the glinting blade of a machete knife which hung on the wall of your small house. Your (e/c) eyes watched as it sparkled in the only sliver of light your tiny house was letting in, the background call of war not too far from your being. You were sick and tired of running from the Government, too exhausted to carry yourself any further. Yet you didn't want to die...

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