Franky x reader | Good Thing

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The city of Water 7.

Renowned for its shipwrights who were more than masters at their craft and for the city itself, in which water would run and dance under the sun. Everyone knew of Galley-La, too. That was because they were the monopoly of shipbuilding on the island; truly perfectionistic in every way. Galley-La also happened to be where you worked, being one of the foremen of dock one.

There was a man of Water 7, someone who you had known for a good chunk of your life. You came from a small island a good hundred kilometres from the city of water: but moved to Water 7 when you had been asked rather kindly by Iceburg, the mayor, to join his company after learning of your tremendous skill. That one man happened to be a ship dismantler, a man who was infamous in both the city's underground world and on the surface - Franky.

Iceburg had always told you to steer clear of Franky, but that didn't stop you. When you could, you would always make sure to say hi to him; even sometimes sitting at the edge of one of the piers to talk to him. He told you of his life, of Iceburg and of his teacher, Tom, who had built the train which you took regularly for multiple reasons. Even if you were someone very clear on wanting work before friends, success before break, this man had ended up taking you heart. And damn right he knew what he had done.

It was then a small relationship built itself from the ground up. Your colleagues and Iceburg in particular were beginning to sus out what was happening: often seeing both you and Franky conversing on multiple occasions. These conversations where they would see both you and the man laugh, even watch him hold you around the shoulders; a miniature blush on your face.

But that was then.

Everything in the city was well: until there was a frightening and unsuspecting attempted assassination on Iceburg. Because after finding out that it was two of your colleagues and Iceburg's assistant who were the ones conducting the problematic and astonishing attempt, everything had gone downhill.

That was until the Straw Hat Pirates, who had stopped for fruitless ship repairs, had save you.

All of the foremen including you who were left and all of the city celebrated; celebrated with the pirates who they had once blamed for allegedly being the ones who pulled the act. You stayed up until the crack of dawn, eating and drinking fine alcohol unlike never before; dancing with those you never thought would be allies. Throughout the whole ordeal, you were over the moon Franky was okay. However, that fun didn't last for long, as the departure of the crew came; along with their new ship.

You may have been short, but my god did your legs feel as if they had burst into flames as you ran. The whipping of the wind against your face as you scrambled around corners and jumped multiple Yagara Bulls to get to where you were going. People alarmed at your figure, speeding past them at a pace which was only to be considered unreal.
Your throat burned, as if someone had poured the strongest alcoholic substance down your oesophagus; heart hammering like a hammer's beat on timber.

It was in sight - the place where you wanted to go. And as you dashed the last length of stairs down to where a large and bright ship waited, you inhaled before shouting at the top of your roasting lungs.


The blue hair of the man you called was visible, especially so as you came closer and closer. Both him and the crew who were boarding the ship he built looked out onto your form. Of course, you knew that Franky would join them.

"Hey, Franky, isn't that one of the shipwrights?"

Nami turned to the taller man from next to her, curiously watching as a small smile fell onto his lips. You were so close to the ship now, the who crew able to see you. Iceberg even being slightly surprised as you came screeching to a halt next to him.

"Please forgive me, Iceburg-san."

The lavender haired man looked down at you in surprise, his mouth dropping open slightly as you clenched both fists at your sides. Each member of the crew, Franky included began to look at you with confusion as your eyes darkened a little.


Your voice rang out across the area. There were shocked gasps as you flung yourself to the floor, on your knees in a bow as you smashed your head to the ground. Franky had never seen you do anything like what you were doing - his jaw almost hit the floor as he watched you.


Everyone stopped.

Some crew member's eyes went wide, some just looked out to where you had your head flush with the floor as you used actions to beg. However, Luffy's shocked expression only grew into a wide grin; but no where near as big as Franky's. From there, the crew knew the answer. Lifting your head, you saw that metres above, everyone had a smile on their face as they looked down at you. The brightest being on your lover's face.

Taking a running leap, you came way above the height a normal human should be able to jump as you crashed right into Franky; sending him barrelling backwards as you laughed loudly.


The New World had decided to lean in the favour of the Straw Hat pirates, giving you and your crew blazing sunshine as you all sat on deck. Two years was a long time to be away from each other, and you were more than ecstatic to be back with the people you loved.


There you were; leaning into the side of your loving Cyborg partner as you basked in the sun on the grassy deck. You were much smaller than him, so you had to look up to see the smiling expression on his face.

"You remember when we both joined?"

You giggled, Franky also letting out a loud laugh as his mind set him back to that unforgettable day.

"How couldn't I forget? You almost knocked me out!"

An awkward grin settled on your face as you traced the back of his large and metallic hand which was lay around your waist. It was funny thinking about that day; you had been so sad, knowing he would leave. But it was also so happy when you had found out you were allowed to come along with him: on this adventure of a lifetime.

"Hey, c'mon now..."

The both of you shared a grin and a laugh, your eyes closing contently as the breeze of the sea ruffled through your hair. The sound of the sea lapping against the hull of the Sunny was calming enough to have just sent you to sleep, the kind raise of the sun warm on your face as you sunk further down into Franky's side. Life was good, and you would never have wished for anything more than what you had now.

"Yeah, you guys were so cute, still are!"

Nami had a huge smile on her face as she looked across at you from where she sat on the deck chair next to Robin. You had heard that from her and others many times, but it never failed to heat up your cheeks with a happy look on your face. Franky gave a sharp snicker, pulling you in closer to his side as you blushed merrily.

"Not as cute as (y/n)!"

Nami laughed along with Franky as you jokingly punched the large cyborg's side with a small 'hey'.
Nothing in life got better than this. With both a family and your love onboard the vessel he built, on the adventurous seas, you couldn't be more happy.

Love was a good thing, and a good thing it was.



Author's Notes


Thank you to all those who read my stuff! I am doing your requests as we speak, please don't fret!


- TransponderSnail

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