Zoro x reader | I'm Me, Not Him!

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Note: this is set pre-timeskip. Before Sabaody Archipelago, yet after Thriller Bark - for reference.

"Where have I heard your name before?"

The bar was relatively quiet as only the group of Straw Hats were sat around a table, their Captain eating his fill of infinity, and a girl who was only about eighteen was with them.

"Probably the papers! Shit doesn't get past the gov these days!" The girl laughed loudly, a large and bright smile on her face. She had her legs swung up on the table and her arms behind her head as she leaned back in her chair. "And especially as this era is coming to its height... I'm not surprised. I didn't become a pirate for nothing!"

Franky looked at the young girl with a cocked head and frowned with a hand on his chin.

"You have a crew or something? I don't think I saw anyone who was with you when our captain pulled you off that rowboat." His voice was inquisitive he watched her take a large swig from the beer she had ordered.

"My captain told me to meet him in Sabaody when I finished something I had to do," her grin widened as she moved the chair back into a normal position, leaning on the table. "But the impatient bastard probably has already set sail already!"

She cackled wildly as the group around her sweatdropped at her weird outburst.

"That's not how a captain should treat his crew!!" Luffy briefly looked up from his food with a passionate expression to which the young lady shrugged.

"Who knows, Mugiwara. He's a supernova like you, and an idiot at that. So I'm not surprised, really." She swirled her drink around as Robin curiously spoke from across the large, round table.

"Say, (y/n). What did you need to do that made you temporarily part from your captain?" Her words weren't anything bad, but from the way that the girl gripped her tankard's handle and tensely smiled, she didn't take to them well.

A small silence overtook the room and even Zoro raised his eyebrows, Luffy even staring at her for her answer - still stuffing his face.

"Well," (y/n) relaxed her grip and turned her grin into a small smile, her face determined. "Let's just say I had to take some time to 'look out' for my father."

"Your father?" Chopper looked at her with innocent eyes, his cotton candy gripped in between his small hooves. Drink being emptied, the (h/c) girl placed down the tankard and looked at the ceiling.

"Beast of a man, yet was kind before... not that he would remember me now!" Her chuckles tried to ilude the crew into thinking she wasn't sad. But suddenly, Nami snapped her head towards the girl, Usopp turning to the ginger worriedly. The navigator's words came out with caution.

"Your name... what did you say it was?" The whole group looked towards the girl who grinned so brightly, confused as to what Nami was on about. Except Robin, who dragged Nami's idea further - catching onto what she was thinking. The black haired woman looked dead at the girl, who was now shocking Nami.

"Name's (y/n). Bartholomew (y/n)!"


The bar wasn't busy, only a bar tender who had gone into the back and the crew who sat around the table. So it felt like the silence was being sucked up by the silence. And they broke that stillness.


Usopp and Chopper fell backwards off of their chairs and Sanji looked completely shocked, Brook and Franky mimicking his expression. Luffy frowned and the girls looked frustrated that their hypothesis was correct. Zoro's eyes trailed to the woman and he stood up. The cowards Usopp and Chopper clung onto each other and Zoro turned fully to the girl who was confused at their shock.

"You. outside." His words weren't aggressive, yet more calm and controlling. The girl looked up at him with a sweatdrop and laughed awkwardly. But she shut up quickly when an unsheathed katana kissed her neck.

"W-woah, okay!" She pushed back her chair with her hands up and walked in front of the man to outside the building, away from earshot of the others as his sword prodded her clothed back.

No one was around, the bar was the only commercial building in sight and the residents seemed to have turned in for the night. The only sounds were the calm waves and the sound of Zoro sheathing his blade. (Y/n) stood with her back to the island and faced the soothing waves while Zoro stood behind her, watching her Black turtleneck's bottom hem move in the wind, her tight, low cut jeans clinging to her legs. His eyes moved to her hair as he crossed his arms.

"So you're his daughter, huh? And a supernova's crew mate at that." His words flew to her as she reached into her back pocket, spinning a small pistol around her finger and putting it back in.

"Crew's Sniper and tyrant's daughter, that's me!" Her light voice ended with a sigh as Zoro came to stand next to her, staring into the same view as she did.

"Days ago, your dad almost killed me." Zoro was being blunt, but it didn't stop her from sadly laughing.

"Yeah, sorry about him. The fucker tends to follow government orders," shuffling a little, (y/n) sat down on the rocky beachfront. "And I don't like it one bit."

"He said they made him into a 'pacifista'," The swordsman looked down in her, the moonlight bouncing off the sea to her face. "And you're okay with that?"

The girl's arms were crossed over her knees, holding onto opposite upper arms. Yet they tightened at his words as she laughed bitterly.

"Of course I'm not okay with it, who would be? After all," she looked at him and grinned. "It's his life to throw away not mine!" Her gaze turned back to the lapping ocean as Zoro continued to observe the view.

"You're nothing like him, that Kuma." Zoro smiled a miniature smile as he heard his company sigh jokingly as she lay down and looked up at the starry sky.

"Geez... I get that alll the time. From Marines and Pirates alike," Her giggle was light as Zoro hummed, "It's just because my dad is a big shot, emotionless machine and I'm 'that one bitch from that bastard's crew'."

It was his turn to chuckle, sitting down next to where she lay, finally easing up from his tension. His swords lay next to where he sat cross legged as he looked down at the girl.

"If he doesn't fulfil his promise to keep his hands off of my captain," (y/n)'s eyes met his. "Even if he becomes a full machine, I'll come hunting you down to take his place as my target." Her eyes widened as she punched his arm, sitting up and pouting at him angrily.

"Hey! I'm me, not him!" Zoro chuckled at her annoyed words as he smiled at her, the girl now calming down and sighing.

"You interest me... I would be hunting you down anyway, just to get deeper into your secrets." Standing up and brushing himself off, he walked slowly back towards the bar. The girl was staring after him: and as he only made a few steps forward, she jumped up and grabbed his wrist. He looked behind himself with a confused hum to see a huge smile on the girl's face once more, her eyes closed in content.

"I apologise for my dad, Roronoa Zoro." He turned to face her, placing a hand on his hip with a smirk as she dropped his arm.

"It's fine, I'm still hunting you down."




Author's Notes

Zoro fangirls... come get y'all's juice. It wasn't roMaNtiC per say. More like "LOL be my friend you bitch" kinda shit. And I had to include one of my favourite characters somehow... I mean it is Kuma after all!

But yet again, have a lovely day!

- TransponderSnail

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