Luffy x (male) reader | He's the Best Girlfriend

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Requested by ennuiukiyo !

Note: just wanted to say that this shot is purposely made with stereotypical and domestic views on men and gender in general, this is not a reflection of my person views.


You were stood there, both hands clasping at the edge of your bathroom sink, staring into your own reflection. Who stared back was this being with (e/c) eyes lined in eyeliner and made up with eyeshadow, someone with cheeks that were pink and lips that were rose. With hair long and (e/c), this reflection was a pretty one.

One, which you had grown too used to.


The sudden call of your name yanked you back from your thoughts, causing you to whip around.


"You coming out for breakfast?"

Nami was on the other side of the door, the object slightly muffling her voice. You brushed down the front of your shirt and the skirt you wore with it. Smiling idly to yourself, you called back.

"I'll be out in a second!"

Coming out from the darkness of your bathroom to the sunny and bright deck was quite the change. You winced slightly and held a hand to your forehead, making sure you were able to see where you were going.

The ship was pretty empty as everyone was at breakfast in the kitchen; where you were now heading. You ascended the stairs and your flats clicked against the wood, your dainty hand running along the banister.

Before you had even reached the door, you could hear the rowdy goings-on of a mealtime on the Sunny. The mere sound of your crewmates talking and messing around made you smile, your hand reaching for the handle. Pushing the door inward, the sound practically boomed louder.

"Oh, (y/n)!"

As always, the first person to greet you was your childish and excitable captain.

Captain, and boyfriend.

"Hey, Luf."

The young man wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you back into his chest. You loved when he did that, you really did, but you couldn't help but hitch your breath. One day, you were worried he would end up questioning why your chest was so flat - even when he was not bothered by such things.

Placing his chin on top of your head, he squeezed you harder. After doing so he let you go, wandering back around the table to his spot. You were practically the only reason for him to stop eating, which in itself was an impressive thing to be able to do. There was no stopping a hungry Luffy.

Taking your seat in between your lover and Zoro, you began to reach out for a piece of toast. You didn't often eat much in the morning, liking to fill up on coffee most of the time. Talking of coffee, it was already there for you as your ship's cook came whirling over dramatically; cafetière in hand.

"Good morning, beautiful (y/n)-chan~"

Even when it was thoroughly known you were with the captain, the blonde always managed to hit on you. Which, as per usual, you greeted with a sheepish grin and a bead of sweat as it fell down your temple.

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