Luffy x reader | Adventure

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'He has had so many adventures... and he's my age? Woah...'

There you sat, on one of the sofas in the lounge where you were reading the morning paper. Unlike most days, the Chateau was quite quiet - letting you peacefully browse the articles while some of your older brothers sat about talking or simply relaxing. You were so engrossed in what you had been reading that you didn't notice one of your brothers coming up behind you; prying the newspaper from your hold.

"Lemme see that."

Pouting, you shot Oven a fierce look as he walked further into the room, sitting down opposite you where Katakuri and Daifuku were. He placed one leg over the other, straightening out the paper in his hands to look at where you had been previously reading - the front page. Daifuku looked over Oven's shoulder, grimacing upon seeing the portrait photo of the lively young captain depicted in the picture.

"I heard that rookie has been causing trouble in Paradise. His winning streak will be over the second he steps into the New World."

"How do you know that?"

All three of your brothers looked over at you, one hand on your chin as you furrowed your brows. Katakuri just silently glared and Oven frowned, Daifuku clicked his tongue loudly and looked you head to toe like you were the biggest idiot in the world.

"The amount of rookies who fail while trying to get here is much greater than those who will make it. Of course I know that."

Sighing, you shook your head and sunk further down into the plush sofa. You were only interested in adventure, but your life as you knew it was making it hard to embark on one. You could only imagine what it was like to be so free, without having choices being made for you.


"Sanji, right?"

The blonde jumped in his seat, turning around abruptly as he heard your small voice. He gave you a strange look, eyes following you as you moved around the table to stand next to him.


He was seated in a large room which had an elaborate table down the middle, simply passing the time as his wedding day crawled closer. A smile broke out on your face as you sat down in one of the many chairs, the man highly confused at how you looked left and right as if watching to see if anyone was coming. Leaning on your elbows closer to him, you grinned and spoke in a quiet voice.

"I'm a massive fan of your crew. How do you do it?"

"Excuse me?"

He blinked owlishly a few times in shock. Why did a Charlotte like yourself just say something like you did? Sanji stared at you with a confused tilt of his head, curly brows furrowing, though you could only see one. There was a sparkle in your eye which he could pick out among the (e/c) colour, as if your thoughts alone made you happy.

"How do you have so many adventures, of course."

"Have you not been on an adventure?"

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