Sanji x reader | Falling for a Cook

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It had been a good two weeks since your captain, Trafalgar Law, decided that an alliance with the Straw Hat crew run by one Monkey D. Luffy was a good idea for your plans. The rest of your crew had been set to go to Zou - but you being the stubborn woman you were, wanted to come along with your captain to Punk Hazard where you would be inevitably meeting Luffy.

Their ship was nice. It reminded you ever so slightly of your own home of the Polar Tang, emanating the same happy-go-lucky and jolly atmosphere. You, at first, weren't so sure of the idea to join with another crew temporarily; however you couldn't go against your captain. It didn't appeal to you as a whole, knowing how the other Worst Generation captain tended to be. Especially that hateful Eustass Kid...
Thankfully, Luffy was good. Albeit loud and childish most of the time, but he meant well all in all.

"(Y/n)-ya, you have work to be doing."

You were leaned up against the railings of the Sunny, letting the wind breeze through your (h/l), (h/c) hair. Your captain was seated against the mast, his sword propped perpetually against his shoulder as he gave you this look of warning. It was a hot day, you were wearing your jumpsuit which matched the rest of your crew except the arms and legs were short, unable to change out into something else due to Law's need for everything to be up to standards. Honestly as much as you respected the captain, you needed a damn break.

"Trao! Why don't you let her relax for once?"

The orange and long hair of Nami came into view as she made her way down the stairs after being up in the library. Law closed his eyes as she had her hands on her hips, turning her gaze to you with a kind smile.

"Hey, (y/n)! Can I do your makeup?"

"(Y/n)-ya has work to be doing."

Even if to the other he might've seemed to be mean to you and rather demanding, Law was actually a very nice man. Yet it didn't stop him from keeping his crew in order - that was because he cared about you all and wanted nothing but for you to not get tied up in the Straw Hat's mischief. Law's eyes followed your gaze as you looked between him and Nami, considering what to do. His look of warning was still there, but it wouldn't hurt to relax... right?

"(Y/n) you take one step and I'll-"

"And what is Trao doing bothering my lovely (y/n)-chan?"

You were honestly surprised no one noticed you melt into this shy and awkward mess, blushing your guts out as you turned away from the blonde. Sanji had a tray in his hand, three glasses on its silver surface as they varied in liquid contents. One was orange and in a stemmed cocktail glass while the other was a thinner glass and blue, the final being a honey-colour set in a thick pint glass. Nami noticed the way you shied away from the eccentric cook as he came happily strolling towards you, a kind smile rested on his features.

"One pint of only the finest beer on board for our favourite surgeon!"

Law shot a look to Sanji's back at the statement. You were one of his valuable crew mates and a surgeon also - but only Sanji knew how to annoy him like that.

You gave the cook a massive grin, reaching for the pint with a small thank you - the man looking as if he would melt away right then and there. When your hand connected with the cold and condensation-riddled glass, your fingers lightly brushed Sanji's as your face went bright pink. The man seemingly was also aware as his bright blue eyes connected with your (e/c) ones.

The shared gaze seemed to linger for a time longer than necessary, both your hands still touching over your alcoholic beverage which somehow didn't fit your shy ways. You were one of the more quiet members of Law's crew, although the shyness was annoying as it always made Penguin and Shachi fawn over you constantly.


Sanji blinked a few times before letting go of the drink, handing it over to you with a small chuckle.
He scratched the back of his head as he began to turn away from you to go over to Nami, a clear blush on his face from your action.

Confusedly, you watched as Sanji paused mid step. He slowly pivoted towards you before going back to stand over you. He was much taller and he was so goddamn... handsome. Yes okay, you found yourself crushing on this man and not being able to find words. Without warning, Sanji placed one hand to your hip before he leaned in.

He kissed you.

It was short and sweet, but you had literally turned into a puddling mess as Law looked shocked out of his mind, a few other crew members of Sanji's stopping short. Nami had a triumphant grin across her face like she had just won a bet and Sanji seemed all too cool about this as he whispered to you.

"Don't think I don't know, (y/n)."

And with that, he walked away like nothing happened: leaving you a mess and your heart beating out of your chest.



Author's Notes


Sorry that this was short, I just wanted to make sure to get something out today. Not like a have a schedule, but behind the scenes I am working on things left and right daily so I made a little Sanji shot for today!

Thank you for all the support you give me, I thank you all!


- TransponderSnail

(Ps, it's late and my eyes are so tired I don't think I used proper grammar in this whoops)

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