Beckman x reader | Stuck With You

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"Yes. I would take caution, you know. Nothing good comes from getting in their way... and I heard they love to rob pirates."

The main road which ran through the town of the island country was completely packed with all kinds of people. The people were mainly tourists - coming to take a dip in the hot springs and take their time with the delicacies. But one man stood in front of where the infamous crew had docked, warning them of what was to come.

"Beckman, it's probably just some baloney. Let's go to the bar!"

As always, Shanks was merrily wandering off to the closest bar which resided in a small shack-like building; a few crew members tagging along too. Beckman stood along with Yasopp as one of the local island residents had come up to them.

"I would warn your captain if I were you."

Beckman took a drag from his cigarette, tapping it lightly so the loose ashes fell. The old man didn't seem like someone to lie, the townsfolk there tended to be of the truthful kind. Before he could go off and get Shanks back in order, a hand softly patted his shoulder.

"Look, man. Let's just go get Shanks."

Yasopp gave his friend a small smile, beginning to walk off with his gun slung over his shoulder casually. With a loud sigh, Beckman walked on to where both the sniper and captain waited for him outside the bar's entrance.

Seeing the man coming closer, Shanks gave him a huge grin before walking to the bar doors and pushing them open. Following after him came the rest of the crew, bar Roo as he was taking care of the ship.

The room was definitely loud: but no where near as loud as the streets outside. There were different people from regular residents to other pirates who were sitting around at large tables. Lining the sides of the room were tall-backed booths, people sat in them comfortably. It seemed a little rowdy, especially as the potent smell of alcohol permeated the air. Apart from that, it was the perfect place to have a drink and to stop off before the next adventure.

As the crew began entering bit by bit, the tables around quietened down ever so slightly. To them, it wasn't everyday you see such a famous crew just waltz right into a bar. Definitely not in a place like that island. Shanks was clearly brushing off the people who whispered about him, uncaring as it was something that usually befell him. Shanks continued to walk down the middle of the room, not so much as sparing a glance to anyone as he went.
However, something felt off to him. It was like he was feeling an especially powerful aura radiating from something nearby: and it wasn't just him as Beckman and Yasopp also stalled.

Suddenly, Beckman reached out to his side; wrapping his hand around what seemed like someone's wrist. They completely stopped, a small huff slipping their lips as a smirk crawled onto their face slowly but surely. The man didn't even need to turn his head to look at them, just sliding his hand further towards their palm before prying what was in their hands out of them.

"I heard you like nicking things from pirates, they weren't wrong."

Beckman took his hand away, raising it up and chucking what was held in it at Shanks. The jingle of coins in a small sack as it landed in the captain's grasp broke the short silence. Shanks looked down at his own bag of money and looked over his shoulder.

There, seated in a booth with both legs up on the table and an amused grin on your face, was you. You looked quite young, but the wise look in your eyes as you crossed your arms over your chest said otherwise. A dagger and a pistol were propped up in your dark, leather belt which held up the yellow shorts cladding your smooth legs. You wore a bikini top in a purple; a log pose around your other wrist.

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