Shanks x (male) reader | Audacity

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Requested by ellenevel25 !

"My Lord!"

With a bored look plastered to your face, you glanced up towards the door. The sound of rushing footsteps echoed behind it as someone approached, their breath also heavy.

Chaos was not something you preferred, you quite liked order. So at the incoming figure, your muscles tensed. Apparently it was obvious, as the courtesan who was leaning against your chest placed a dainty hand against your bicep.

"Worried, (y/n)-sama?"

Her eyelashes batted as she stared up with you with her stunning eyes, her chest pressed firmly against your side.


You scoffed as she traced one finger down your muscular arm, leaning further back against your armchair. She still gazed up at you as you closed your eyes, giggling with sickly sweetness.

"I'm no such thing."


Without warning, the door to your personal office slammed open. The poor lady on your lap flinched and squeaked, the only thing keeping her from falling being your strong grip on her waist. Alas, that was not your big problem.

Your bigger issue was one of your other employees as she stood in the doorframe, looking pale and slightly sweaty. The girl honestly looked like she had just run a marathon; panting heavily.

"My lord!"

"Yes, I heard you the first time."

The growl that left your mouth was of irritation and defeat, your eyes practically rolling to the other side of your head. As you did so the girl stepped forward, folding herself into a deep bow.

You watched on with a frown, one of your hands being played with by your companion.

"T-there are guests in the entrance lobby."

The girl in the doorway looked up for a single second, her eyes meeting with your fierce scowl. She felt herself shrink back into her own body, despite having known you many years. For some reason, newcomer or old employee, the girls at your brothel couldn't get used to your attitude and terrifying presence.


You spat and clenched your fists, the courtesan on your lap beginning to feel a little worried.

"Are you trying to waste my time here?"

"But Sir-!"

"I have a front desk for a reason, sweetheart. I'm the brothel-keeper, not the person in charge of requests."

Cutting her off, you leaned back in your chair and closed your eyes. Your lips twitched in irritation as you huffed, ignoring her.

The girl was torn. She was slightly panicked and needed you to listen, but she knew better than to step out of line once more.

However, she knew you wouldn't be mad once you knew.

"My lord, there is a Emperor's crew at the door."

In no more than an instant, you opened your eyes. Slowly you sat upright, the frown turning into a quizzical brow-raise.


In these waters?

At your establishment?

Your lips twitched, but this time not in a way which was in agitation. No, this time is was a twitch which slowly turned into a curl of your lips; into a smile. The smile turned to a grin you just couldn't stop, one which spread across your whole face.

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