Kaku x reader | Ain't no Sunshine

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He watched you.

He always did.

As the raise of the almighty sun beat down on your back as your hands worked on the hard-timber craft of shipbuilding that you so diligently did. Even as night fell, your laughter would ring in the bar belonging to Blueno as you conversed with the others who worked at Galley-La. One look at you and someone would think as he did.

There's no sunshine when you're gone.

But even the sunshine itself would lie to someone, as you, him and the others were only government workers. Assassins, at that. And how Kaku knew what you were like before; those eyes which shone like bright lights as you worked were dim. Dark and harsh. Yet, he couldn't work out if that cold persona from before was either your truth or your facade. For it felt so natural, the smile on your face. The giggles which left your perfect lips as you spoke to the rough and tumble men of the docks.

"Hey, Kaku!"

It was just peaking into evening as the workers of the dock began to file out and back to their homes, back to the comfort of their own bed with no a worry. Nothing to hide and no hands to dirty; all except from the shipbuilding work. Kaku gave a smile and a wave as you came closer to where he had just finished sawing the last piece of timber for the day, him wiping his forehead before standing up and placing his hands on his hips.

"(Y/n)! How's the day's work been?"

You knew it was an act. The way the kind words left his mouth as the last few shipwrights remained - finishing their last jobs before their departure.

"It's been good," you laughed into the back of your hand, "just had the usual with Paulie."

Kaku raised his eyebrow before he chuckled. Paulie would usually go off at you for wearing shorts and a t-shirt: but it really felt like the temperature was around forty degrees celsius everyday.

"I can only imagine."

The both of you began to walk over towards the main gate as it was also time for you both to head back to the apartments in which you stayed in. With a creak, the gate shut as you both walked in silence down the waterways' pavements.

It was never warm when you were away.

Kaku, from the corner of his dark eyes, noticed that you had finally dropped that bright grin off of your pretty features. The smile he loved so much; even if he could never express that to anyone but his own self... and even then his own self would reject his thoughts.

The silence was comfortable. The running waters whispering light words as the slow buzz of streetlights that illuminated the pathways in between houses created a kind white noise. Neither of your footsteps echoed, however. No one would guess the two of you were there.

"(Y-y/n)! Come back here right now!"

It was usual behaviour in the unit of Cipher Pol Number Nine. Spandam yelled your name as he pointed at your figure as you walked to the exit of the room; uncaring as he tried to grab your attention. You wore black shorts with your black turtle neck, your back facing the man. He called you like a dog. Always. But as you made it out of the main room, you heard a voice from next to you.

"What happened this time?"

Kaku, his cap pulled over his eyes, was leaning against the wall next to the excessively large doors as he heard the director's call. You stopped short for a second, not turning the the man as you only ignored him.

Even if you were like that in the day, oh how Kaku could hear the sofa sobs from the room next to him as you cried rivers of tears only for your face the next morning to be sleep-void like always. It hurt his heart - the heart with feeling he thought he threw away along with the job.

But as you rounded the corner, Kaku watched as you stopped: your body coming to a halt all of a sudden.


The way you said his name made shivers run down his back. He was never scared of anything, the shivers only made him realise how he feared.

"I... shouldn't have joined CP9."

He knew it as well. But it was as you spoke he realised you had finally come clean of your soft heart's troubles. No one heard how you always cried and of how kind your smile really was and how it was no jest but your real self. He couldn't control himself as his hand decided to reach out to yours: his touch on your soft skin.

"I know."

Oh how there truly was no sunshine when you were gone.



Author's Notes


I'm sorry it was so short. But today the shot was *loosely* based on the song "Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers.

I love his songs as I mentioned so I wanted to make this tiny special. Of course I tweaked words of the lyrics as 1, the point of view was from second person and not Kaku's view and 2, because it's not how Kaku would speak as he is Kaku.

But I hoped you liked it even if it was tiny!


- TransponderSnail

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