Caesar x reader | Poisonous

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"Caesar, I can't help but think we are overstepping here."

Leaning up against the workstation's counter, different fluids in all sorts of glasses bubbling away around the place, was you. Your head was tilted backwards, yet you shifted your gaze onto the man next to you; his tongue only clicking in retaliation.
His golden eyes connected with your (e/c) ones as he rolled them while turning to you, poking you hard in the shoulder with exasperation.

"Don't worry about that! No one needs to know about this!"

Caesar's gaze scanned the room, watching as each member of your research team bustled about and tested on various different things. The only light was that of the small lamps which illuminated each colourful substance, the raise bouncing around the room in rainbows.

Pushing off of the counter with a huff, you strolled down the middle of the room - your hands linked behind your back as you walked away. The man only stared with a cock brow, noticing your lazy wave as you disappeared through the door.

"Whatever you say."

You told him.

You told him that if he carried on the way he was, the government would strip you of your jobs. Caesar Clown and "Mortem Professor" (y/n), former colleagues of Dr. Vegapunk and now wanted criminals, that was who you had become. It was lucky that you were at a conference for the Marine's Science Unit when the whole of Punk Hazard on which you worked was engulfed completely by a nerve gas that Caesar set off. Apparently he was caught by the government just as you began your own escape, but you didn't buy it.

""Mortem Professor" (y/n), I take it?"

There, standing right before you, was the rookie known as Trafalgar Law. His features were stretched into a smirk as his sword was leant up against his shoulder. Your eyes bore into him as you were backed in an alley, unable to escape his questioning.

"It seems you have knowledge, Trafalgar Law."

A chuckle slipped his lips as he turned, his eyes still on you as he looked over his shoulder. You were at a port town which was a pretty far throw from the normal charts a pirate would travel, so you wondered if he had come running to find you.

"Let's go."

Amusement spread across your face as you tilted your head sideways, following him out with no issues.

"This is going to be a long day."

One hand pressed into your cheek as you leant on the railings of your submarine, you watched as the imposing island which drew closer into view stood upon the horizon. Law wasn't too far behind you, his sword resting on his shoulders as his perpetual frown deepened at your words.

"It will be if you keep complaining, (y/n)-ya. You're lucky that I chose you to come with me, so get yourself ready."

"Aye-aye, captain."

You knew he was asking for you to be grateful. His plan to bring down someone who you did not know he was so familiar with, the warlord Doflamingo, was in action. The ball was now rolling as you came closer and closer to the first hurdle, Punk Hazard. Law had asked you to come with him as you knew the target to his plan, Caesar, all too well.

The Polar Tang finally docked up at the snow-ridden side of the bi-landscaped island as you spoke your farewells to the crew who were going ahead to the island of Zou. It was a short goodbye, knowing that they will all be fine from now on. The question was, would you and Law be.

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