Hawkins x reader | Nightmare

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When your captain had received a call from none other than "Massacre Solider" Killer of the Kid Pirates proposing that you come to their base island to possibly form an alliance, you were severely hesitant. You knew that Hawkins too was just as sceptical, even when his expression told you nothing more than disinterest as you had come close enough to see the mountainous island known as Eustass "Captain" Kid's base. There was another guest to be joining along with the alliance plan, although the man never struck you as someone to do business. However, that could be said about Kid too.

Both you and your captain hadn't even been on the island five minutes and the man known as Scratchman Apoo was already doing your head in. Hawkins watched your smaller form from the side; noticing your eyebrow twitching in a way which meant you were holding back on lashing out. Even when you had met Apoo before on Sabaody, you still found him just as insufferable as the first time.

There, waiting at the doors of the massive castle which towered above all that there was to see on the island nestled in the mountain, was Killer. His arms were crossed and he seemed, although it was his idea, not so inclined to make an alliance. Even when he wore a mask, his posture told you he had no trust and that this was going to be a long day.

"I would be warned, Kid isn't in the greatest of moods."

"Yeah because we were the ones suggesting the idea."

Following the masked man as he lead you through the maze of corridors, you muttered under your breath after his warning. It was quiet, but he turned so that you could see the stripes across his mask with ease. You weren't intimidated, but a shiver traversed your spine upon watching his muscles contract: knowing he could easily defeat you if your mouth opened too wide. Hawkins from your side took no notice, used to your usual antics.

"If I were you, I would keep your thoughts to yourself, Half Witch."

Eyes only rolling in retaliation to his use of your epithet, you crossed your arms with a huff. It wasn't only your captain in your crew, so you should be allowed to hold opinions even as a crewmate.

"My apologies about my second in command."

Hawkins was still gazing ahead at Killer, not even so much as looking down at you. You shot him a quick glance which he caught from the corner of his eye. A sigh left your lips as nothing was getting past him. Killer seemed to realise that Hawkins was practically taking care of you like he took care of Kid, that got a small smile out of him.

"There are two rooms for the both of you at the end of the corridor. We'll hold a meeting with Kid in the morning, it will be easier for all of us."

Apoo had long gone and was putting stuff into his room from his ship with the help of some of his crew, leaving you and your captain along will Killer. Hawkins nodded at the man with a blank expression, you holding your knapsack of belongings over your shoulder.

The night was drawing in fast, the stars beginning to come out over the island as you lay in your bed. It was quite lonely, being the only woman on your ship. Sometimes the nights felt cold and like you were the only person who was in the world from how void of human life your room was. However, you now lay in the plush bed which you were surprised to know was in Kid's castle: knowing what a mess of a man he was. Your eyes were closed as you scrunched up your features, tossing in your sleep.

Looking down into the ground, the four supernova and you noticed the gigantic form of someone who you never wished to meet. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat as you tried your hardest to breath. There was no getting away, you doubted you would survive.

The figure rose out of the hole which had pressed deep into the ground, sending the island shaking once more as you all looked on in awe. Shaking your head, you took a step back as the rumbling voice of the one you could only decipher as the devil in a man's body spoke.

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