Zoro x (male) reader | Just a Small Issue

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Once, you had touched his swords.

The man was sleeping peacefully against the railing, listening to the call of the ocean's waves as they lapped the hull of the Sunny. His single, non-scarred eye was closed; hands restfully tucked behind his head as he snoozed away. The whole crew were enjoying that day's peace, lounging about and doing their own thing, not wasting the stunning weather that was graced upon them.

Never having been one for the sunshine and extreme heat, you leaned up against the mast with your top pulled off - upper body glistening with sweat. Your hair was slightly wet from how many times you poured water over yourself, feeling agitated from all the sun. Not only that, you were bored. No one seemed up for doing anything overly active, but you wanted to mess with someone. And there happened to be just the person you were looking for in the form of the moss-haired swordsman.

Since day one of you joining the crew, it was like Zoro was actually purposefully ignoring you or trying not to get close to you. Whenever you spoke to him, his words would be cut short and his eye-contact would be limited. Whenever you would ask him to do something as simple as pass the drinks at the dinner table, he always found a way to excuse himself of such simple actions. After having annoyed you with his stupid and selfish ways, you decided a little change was needed.

Smirk cunningly plastered on your face, you edged closer. Everyone knew Zoro was a heavy sleeper, you included; making no effort to be even remotely quiet. A few people looked over as the saw you casually leaning up against the railing, giving frowns at your weird behaviour. You were taking precautions, slipping your knuckledusters which were heavily spiked onto your fingers. Back muscles contracting as you leaned down, your fingertip was coming closer and closer to the sheath of his Shusui - not more than a centimetre away.

"Watch it."

Without warning, Zoro sprung from where he sat as his sword pressed against your knuckles. You had whipped your hand up faster than humanly possible so his sword hit your own weapon, not your neck.

"Oh I'm watching it all right."

Pushing the blade away, you sprung off a few metres while the moss-haired swordsman pointed the tip of the blade towards you. His features were settled into a frown, much different from the lazy yet amused smirk which was drawn across your lips. The tension between the two of you was causing the other members of your crew to look around at you, giving sighs of looks of worry. Nami got up, putting both her hands on her hips.

"Would you two stop?"

Ignoring her words, you began to come closer to the other man. Zoro was still on guard, eye flickering between the shining metal on your hands and your (e/c) eyes. He could see you wanted something from him, and he wasn't so sure. You came close enough to push the tip of his sword away from your direction, looking him up and down before your smile dropped.

"We need to talk."

"No we don't."

Zoro's stubborn words caused you to roll your eyes, arms crossing over your chest. For some reason, he was always staying clear of you; you wanted to know why. As far as you were aware, you had only been kind to him, no longer feeling like mr nice guy now that he was being so... stupid.

"Let's go."

Grabbing Zoro by the collar, you began to pull him in the direction of the men's cabin. He was literally unable to shift from your hold, his swords left on the deck as you yanked the door open. You simply didn't care how he cursed at you, only stopping and calming down when you let him go. The light in the room was off, the outside light shining through the porthole in the door illuminating the younger man's deep scowl.

"What the hell is your issue?"

The swordsman wasted no time in growling at you, giving you a disgruntled look as you sat on the edge of your hammock which was under your captain's. You shot the same look back, leaning your elbows on your knees as your stare bore into his.

"My issue? What's with you, more like. Why are you always ignoring me?"

For a moment, Zoro paused. He tore his gaze from yours and looked off into the darkness of the room's other side - drumming his fingers on his other arm as they crossed. Raising an eyebrow, you stood back to your full height. The man was distracted, only focusing back on you as you stood over him. Your watch flickered between his eyes and his frowning mouth, running your tongue over your lips. You didn't notice the microscopic blush tint the man's cheeks.

"Too full of yourself to talk to me, huh? Need me to pull that stick out of your ass myself?"

"Fuck off."

Moving his gaze once more, you managed to stop him in the act. Your hand moved to his jaw, snapping it forward so he faced you. The tension was building as he looked at you with surprise, especially as you smashed your lips to his.

Zoro didn't kiss back, overtaken with shock. Your lips moved against his as he stood there, trying to process what was happening. But just as you began to pull away, he slid one hand down to the small of your back and began to kiss you harder. His lips were rough, Zoro was suprised yours were so soft considering he didn't see you as someone gentle.

You ended up pressing one hand into his chest, the other resting in your pocket casually. He was a good kisser, surprisingly so as he was unbothered and laid back. The way Zoro ended up pushing you backwards and flipping you so you were against the wall had you grinning from ear to ear, his tongue taking the opportunity to push past your lips. Every time his hand would run over the defined muscles of your lower back, you would feel a sense of relief as the tightness from working them would ease.

Hand moving lower down his front, you ended up getting closer to the hem of loose the trousers he was wearing. You didn't get any sign to stop, carrying on as he made out with you. But just as your hands reached the hem, the door swung open.

Both you and Zoro parted faster than humanly possible; bodies still pressed together. Looking over with a small grin which contrasted Zoro's harsh blush, you watched as Usopp back out a little. There was an apologetic look on his face as he reached for the door handle, slowly pulling it shut again.


Suddenly, you burst out laughing.

Zoro looked beyond embarrassed even when his chest was still pressed to yours. You could only imagine what Usopp was thinking as he saw you both, doubling over as you wheezed. The swordsman gave you a bashful yet scowling look, waiting until you tried to stand again: only to fail through laughter once more.




Author's Notes


Despite the fact that I said I would upload more, I think I'm going to take a little break. As much as I love this book, I really want to make quality shots and not force myself to upload.

Don't worry, this break will last a week tops!

Have a wonderful day and I'll see you later!


- TransponderSnail

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