Pre-timeskip Admirals x reader | Workload

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Happy Birthday, Yasahiro_and_Kaori ! (Special Request)

There was absolutely no time for you to take even one glance from the massive stack on paperwork which resided on your desk. From profiles of your subordinates to reports - there was no way in hell you would be able to raise your head above the wave known as work. You were close with a lot of your colleagues; yet you were unable to even see them since you had begun sitting at your desk only to get up between meals and sleep. The endless work had stacked up for a good few days, but was luckily finished as you placed the final file back into your draw. You were done at last.

It was if everything that you missed out on from your social life to proper sleep was catching up to you, a massive smile ripping across your features as you kicked your chair back. The chair spun a few times before hitting the wall, your hands raising into the air as you yelled in celebration.

You were a conscientious person for sure, but still liked your fun. It always looked like people were happy to see you as you stepped out of your office for the first time in ages. Subordinates waved to you and colleagues acknowledged you as you trotted off happily down the main corridor. There was no doubt in your mind, you knew exactly who you would be seeing first.

A large door stood before you, the words 'admiral' plastered across a copper plaque. The smile on your lips grew the more you remember how free from responsibility you were for once. Knocking lightly, you heard a call from the other side of the door.

There, sitting with a book in his hand while the other was slung over the back of his sofa, was Kizaru. He raised his head from the literature and gave you a small smile, watching as you closed the door behind yourself. You gave a small and respectful nod as the man placed his book on the side table next to him.

"Oh? (Y/n)!"

"Hey, Borsalino-san."

His eyes followed your movement as you further walked into the room. He was still lounging on the sofa - gesturing for you to come over. A small blush arose on your cheeks, a bit bashful your superior was just asking you to sit with him. Not refusing his offer, you wandered over to the sofa he was sat in, taking a seat a few tiny spaces away from him. A smile settled on your face.

"No one has seen you for ages, is everything okay, hm?"

Unexpectedly, the arm the man slung over the back of the sofa wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you into his side. Your already flushed face spread into a deeper red, feeling the man drumming his fingers across your upper arm.

"Y-yeah. Just Sakazuki giving me the usual."

Kizaru sighed rather loudly, leaning his head on his other hand against the sofa's arm. You were pretty much internally panicking, your superior was literally pushing boundaries - despite you not minding it. It was safe to say you had a little... thing for your superiors.

"Then I might want to have a talk with him, no?"

Avoiding all eye contact, you laughed lightly while the man assessed your features. There was no way he didn't realise your blush.


Your words were interrupted by the sound of the door's handle turning. Both you and Kizaru turned your look over to door, watching as it opened. Light panic overcame you - worried about who was about to see you and the admiral in such a unprofessional way. Although he only had his arm around your shoulder, it was still bad for you to be leaning on his chest so casually. But as the person at the door stepped though, it couldn't have been worse.

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