Akainu x reader | Errands

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This one is old, but I decided to actually revive it and publish it. Please don't mind the horrendous phrasing, I apologise! (Also this one is kinda cringe-enducing whoops)








... four.


Everything on your desk was sent veering onto the floor as you swiped your whole hand across the surface. Heavy and ragged breaths left your mouth as you clenched your fists, the ringing of not one but four den den mushi making you more livid by the second. Each one lay on its side on the wooden floor of your office, happily and deafeningly purring away; covered by the papers and documents your rage had displaced.

You seethed through gritted teeth.

"I'm. Done."

Your office door slammed open with a sound loud enough to cause a few nearby marines to jerk around. Looks of concerns - fear even - laced their features as they watched you storm off down the corridor. Your white coat of justice was swinging from your shoulders as you ignored everyone you came by, frustration causing you to not acknowledge their looks of confusion.

Making a purposeful beeline to the top of the building, you stormed along the corridor that was slightly exposed to the outside; the scene of shoji sliding doors coming into view. Although you could hear muffled conversation from behind it, you still put everything you had into slamming the door back.

The voices stopped, a pair of dark eyes fell onto your figure as you held the frame of the doors with heaving pants.

Removing yourself from the doorway, you calmed enough to give a courteous tip of the head. It must've looked quite manic, the way you switched from a booming anger to a smiling and fake, professional look.

"Good day, Sakazuki, sir."

You tried to keep up the smile, your eye twitching as well as the corner of your lips upon smelling the pungent fumes of smoke. Apparently, everything was annoying you today.

"Vice Admiral. Whatever is the matter with you?"

Akainu's gruff voice made a shiver traverse your spine, as if you were scared of whatever repercussions you would receive after such a show.

Inhaling sharply through your nose, you tried not to explode on him. That would be a terrible move. But it was hard when you could also feel the eyes of Admiral Kizaru  - who happened to be lounging about - on your figure.

You tried and failed not to completely dissolve into a rant.

"Please, sir. I literally beg you, I will do anything for you,"

The man raised an eyebrow, Kizaru also apparently becoming more interested as he hummed. You had to slap a hand to your forehead, the other propping that arm's elbow up from under it. There was a pained expression on your face caused by the banging headache you contracted just from even thinking about the snail's ringing.

"Please just take me out of my goddamn department. Anymore ringing transponder snails, and I think I will take a happy trip off the top of the headquarters."

There was a tense pause. You could feel a bead of sweat rolling down your temple, just as you glanced up through your eyelashes.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

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