Fujitora x reader | Beyond What the Eye Can See

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Request by Ferispei ! WARNING: there is gory depictions, please be warned.


You had been married to your husband for a few decades now, his age being greater than yours but not excessively. He was a morally just man, doing all the things one considered good would perform including making sure that you were safe - no matter what. Yet, there you were, stood over by your dining room door; your husband seated at the table. That was all well and good, but it was an unnerving sight.

For the past few days, you were bound to your job as a vice admiral of headquarters, unable to return home to see your husband. You both may have had different work lives, but that never took from how you both felt. It was an exciting feeling, coming home to the man you loved - it really was. But not when his sword was on the table, dripped with blood.

His own blood.

Even as you raged at him, he remained silent. It hurt you like nothing else to see the way his own ruby blood dripped from the two gashes across his eyes. He had blinded himself, that was more than clear to see, but at what cost?

"I no longer wish to see some things in this world, I cannot bear the burden of carrying on as an audience member to this corrupt society."

You had your teeth gritted, your nails carving half-moon circle into your palm; making your own blood fall onto the ends of the coat you wore. The white jacket of justice.

Suddenly, a loud smash echoed in your small dining room as your tense, white-knuckled fist collided with the wall. There was a large crack running the surface as you lashed out at the poor structure.


Your fist which was implanted in the wall began to shake, your hand slowly sliding to your side as tears bitterly pricked your eyes. It felt as if someone was tearing your heart vein by vein, artery by artery. It was a pain no human could emotionally fathom.

"W-what have you done..."

The volume of blood was high as it seeped the table and his blade, but no where near the volume of the tears which escaped your eyes. With each flowing river came your pained cries as you clattered to the floor, distraught at what your own lover had done to himself.

"Damn it all, Issho!"

"Hey, did you hear? Someone managed to become Admiral!"

"I heard. I can't quite believe it."

Each step of your heels clicked against the hard flooring as you walked down one of the main hallways in the new Headquarters - New Marineford.

Since the loss of Admiral Aokiji and promotion of Admiral Akainu, now Fleet Admiral, there were spaces vacant for the position. Through the World Military draft, your husband Issho managed to weave his way right to the top. Although with both his power and influence, it wasn't too unbelievable to you. Mainly, it was the younger and lower down marines who were having a hard time with shock.

"Is this a convention?"

There were two young marines having a conversation over in one of the corridor's corners, looking pretty astonished with the news. Of course, they immediately scrambled to a salute as you stood over them; a straight-faced look on your features.

"(Y-y/n)-san, sorry!"

Huffing impatiently, you turned on your heel and made it to the final set of stairs to the next floor.

After meeting a few colleagues and subordinates along the way who kindly greeted you, you finally made it to the sliding doors to the room you were aiming for. Behind, you could hear two voices as they conversed - one of them being one you knew like the back of your hand. Of course, they had both sensed your presence.

"Come in."

The gruff voice of Fleet Admiral Sakazuki came from the other side as you slid open the door with a small smile on your face. Instantly, you gave a quick salute to your superior, earning a nod as you closed the shoji door behind you.

"Vice Admiral."

"Sakazuki, sir."

Your eyes slid to the other man in the room; eyes tracing the kanji inked on the back of his coat much like yours and the dark hair on his head.

"I hear the voice of my dearest wife."

Your smile got wider and your cheeks flared into a blush as you fiddled with your gloves in your trouser pockets. Even if he wasn't displaying it fully, Sakazuki seemed to look a little surprised at hearing this. The man leaned back further into his chair, looking between you and Fujitora a few times before addressing you.

"I had heard you were married, yet I didn't know Admiral Fujitora here was your husband."

"Ah, yes. I didn't feel it was necessary information."

Your words came with honestly, getting a small scoff from the fleet admiral as he looked back to your husband. Fujitora had turned around, nodding his head in your direction with a smile as he walked towards the door. It seemed as if their little meeting had been finished.

"Good day, Sakazuki."

A second's internal panic arose inside of you at hearing the admiral address the fleet admiral so casually. But you waved it off with a short blow before following your husband out of the door.

Before you had come into the room not long ago, the corridors were fairly busy. But considering that the night was now drawing in bit by bit, they had become much quieter and it seemed like not many people were walking about. Either they had gone home or were back in their offices doing work.

"My dear wife, you should not be out so late, it's getting cold."

You laughed lightly, glancing up at your husband as he walked next to you - his hand now in yours as there was no one around.

"Issho, you're not the one who should be worrying about such things."

His hand was warm, much bigger than your own and it made you feel safe. Even if you were one of the strongest and most renowned marines in the organisation, you still had moment of unease. But not when he was around.

"Should I not worry about you? I love you, after all."

Years later, even after that day long ago when you both finally wed, he was still able to make you feel butterflies in your stomach. Still able to make your cheeks heat up. Your fingers intertwined with his as you smiled happily.

"And I love you too, but there is no need to worry of my safety when you're here."

A small chuckle fell from his lips as you squeezed his hand tighter. You loved how quiet it was, those times when it felt like both you and him were the only people in the entire world. The only thing that broke that silence ever so slightly was the click of his sword-turned-cane against the floor: the thing which guided him alongside you.

You may never forgive him for what he did to himself, unseeing to the bad yet blind to the good, but your love ran beyond what the eye could see.



Author's Notes

I love this man so much and I am honoured to have had a request for him!

I hope you all enjoyed that nearly as much as I enjoyed writing it, it's been a pleasure.

As for now, I hope you have a wonderful day!


- TransponderSnail

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