Cracker x Reader | Firecracker

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Her name was Charlotte (y/n). One of the most powerful forces in the Big Mom Pirates, and that was because of a little thing she had in the name of the feather-feather fruit.

One would look at a feather and note it's soft and ticklish vane as it would glide across sensitive skin, however when Big Mom decided that she wanted the girl as a mere asset, the world realised the truth of the feather. The feather with its needle-like spines that could be manipulated for combat. It's funny how something so harmless could completely enable someone to harm others.

And that was just what happened: Charlotte Linlin got her. And like every other person she had decided was meant for her crew, (y/n) was married into the thick of it.

Five years prior:

The room towered high, the walls matching that of the array of sweets which ominously scattered and laughed around the place. And on one large throne, the Yonko herself, Big Mom sat. While she was eating the delectable selection which was out in front of her, the gigantic woman smiled widely like a child looking at a sweet shop. And right in front of her was a woman who looked to be in her late twenties with her short skirt of pink matching her short t-shirt in colour but that had a darker shade. The same shade of pink that matched her small combat boots.

"(Y/n), correct?"

With a laugh the pirate looked down at the (h/c) woman who stood in the middle of the room before her.

"Yes, ma'am."

Linlin smiled so brightly that one would have never guessed she was a pirate, if it wasn't for her abnormal scale. She leaned closed to look at the younger woman before nodding her head and sinking back into her seat.

"Since you have nothing or no one for me to use against you, I expect that you have come completely prepared?"

It wasn't that (y/n) had prepared, it was that she was ready from the minute she heard the yonko wanted her ability in her ranks. The young woman was beside herself, having no one meant that power was as good as it got in this world, and that's what she wanted.
Bowing down politely with her hands by her side, she replied.

"Yes. It will be a honour to work with you."

Big Mom smiled even wider at how lucky she got. She fully understood that the fruit had gone to someone with the right senses and someone who didn't mess around. And she liked that.

"As for the marriage,"

Little did the older of the two know, (y/n) tensed slightly as she wondered what kind of man her husband would be.

"You will be marrying my son Cracker, I think that is a wise choice for someone like you."

Never breaking composure, the bride to be straightened up and smirked at Big Mom, sealing the deal.

"Yes, ma'am."

But it was now that the news of intruders had come into the territory that the woman had watched her husband walk out of the door, ready to follow orders.

"Cracker, please be careful."

Although she would never show it to others, (y/n) was always so doting towards the older man. Especially when he went on other missions that she didn't. He laughed and smirked over his shoulder at her, the ends of his incredible hairstyle sizzling.

"Easy stuff. Don't worry!"

Even if he would never admit it, Cracker was always so in love with his wife. Sure they didn't show it around other much (maybe not the other oldest siblings who they were comfortable with) but they were completely smitten, despite his harsh and almost monstrous personality. How could the woman not worry? She had heard rumours floating on the sea about the invader, Monkey D. Luffy. And after his defeating of Doflamingo, it lead her to be a tiny bit anxious.

But as the hours wasted away as the girl wondered the depths of the Whole Cake Château in which they were staying temporarily, the thought of Cracker's mission lingered on her mind. She had heard whisperers among staff of "Master Cracker is in the Seducing Woods fighting" and she worried so much that she thought of the outcome.

Her legs took her as fast as she could towards the forest as she ran at top speed to get there. She could see the looming trees and the sweet filled paths and she met the edge of the forest. She assumed Brûlée would already know she was there, as trees moved quickly as she ran. Her breathe became louder as she heard her heart banging roughly in her own ears, blood pumping faster. It was eerily quiet, anywhere that had Cracker was not, and that scared her. As anxiety creeped upon her, she saw someone stood with a straw hat on his back.


As she rounded the corner fully, her eyes widened like saucers at the sight. Cracker was injured and on the floor. Straw Hat Luffy turned to see the woman running, tears streaming down her face as she went, him giving her a confused look as she ran to her lover's side. Her hands reached to where his face was and held it in her hand, his ragged breaths dissipating into the air around them.


His voice was weak and it hurt her more than any pain could ever do so. She had never seen him outside his loving or cocky personality, and this tore at her heart. Tears pricked at her eyes further as she stood to her feet and faced the younger boy, silently weeping.

"How fucking dare you do this to my husband, Mugiwara!"

Luffy was pretty stunned at the sight of the Big Mom crew member sobbing her eyes out.

"Who are you?"

His innocent and questioning voice got a rise out of her like nothing else as she sent a wave of needled feather towards him to which he dodged.


She tried to rush towards but a tug on her boot brought her eyes back off the pirate boy, he quickly scampered away to whatever he needed to wreck next. Her gaze full of tears moved down to see her smirking husband with his hand around her ankle. (Y/n) hated seeing him like this, not just because she loved him, but because he was experiencing the only thing which he couldn't stand: pain.

"(Y/n) just calm down."

His unusually small voice brought her so she was holding his hand and leaning over him.

"But you're-"

He stroked her arm reassuringly.

"I'll be just fine, firecracker."



Author's notes

Okay well, KEKTJFJDRJCUCUCCJ. I love cracker, definitely my favourite Charlotte sibling tied or maybe just above Katakuri.
Like my top three and reasons why go like:

1. Cracker (my biscuit boy who I love)
2. Katakuri (one word, donuts)

But yes, enjoy reading!

- TransponderSnail

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