Bastille x reader | Two Sides of the Same Coin

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We've never seen his face, but don't worry. Author is here to change that.

The war was over, the building of the new headquarters in New Marineford was ultimately finished; done efficiently and quickly. Most of the marines and their families had already gotten settled on the island, thankfully so after having their daily lives changed completely following the destruction of the previous headquarters and town. Along with many promotions and many shifts in job posts for a lot of the marines, the new Fleet Admiral was in change. Everything had changed so much, everyone too.

You included.

Having almost always been that one vice admiral who commanded a base off in the New World, you were delighted to discover that the new headquarters were going to be in the same stretch of sea. As soon as the war had ended, you took the first ship back to your base; spending a few days there. A short few days, actually, as you got an unexpected call from the new fleet admiral.

"Vice Admiral (l/n)."

Raising an eyebrow, you kicked your feet up onto the messy surface of your desk - completely uncaring as you knocked a half-eaten bowl of soba onto the floor.

"Sakazuki-san, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Your eyes followed the figure one of your men as he was panicking, rushing over from the corner of the room to swiftly clean up the fallen noodles. The snail in your hands exhaled, the way one who was smoking would. It was such an unexpected call that you were actually interested, usually brushing off calls and not answering them much to the frustration of your subordinates.

"I'm placing you back in headquarters and putting someone else at your post. You have qualities we need here."

And that is exactly what he did.

After a long journey which consisted mainly of your men (barely) putting up with your complaining with twitching eyebrows, you got back. On the journey, you would moan about everything from the weather to the time of day. Your subordinates knew they had it worse because they had to go all the way back to your now old base once they dropped you off at Headquarters. But throughout the whole time, you couldn't stop smiling when you weren't complaining. There was just one person you couldn't quite wait to see. Couldn't quite wait to see, and rile their boring self up.

Bastille wasn't told you were coming back.

After all, it was nothing he needed to know. So when he was asked to go down to the docks to welcome back a returning vice admiral, he compliantly did as he was told. He walked with his hands linked behind his back, coat hanging over his shoulders with his mask obscuring his features as he made it to the doors which lead out to the harbour.

From where he stood, along with a few other vice admirals, he could see the outline of an incoming ship. The others looked on with blank and nonchalant expressions, more casually than Bastille did with his straightened back. He was a mighty man, conscientious like the true image of a Marine. Hardly ever wavering, he got things done which needed to be done and made sure he did his job to a T.

However, as the battleship pulled close enough for him to see an outline, he couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of familiarity; albeit he couldn't tell if it was good. The sun blocked the silhouette, making it hard for him to see who exactly it was. But as the figure jumped off of the bow of the ship, not even bothering to use the walkway like a normal person, he had a sinking feeling.

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