12 Envoy

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Arnav analyzed the dream. It seems Arjun and Khushboo lived with the young man in the British period. Means, Aman is right. The dream is about their previous birth. According to the dream, Khushi and he were Khushboo and Arjun, in the last birth. This is why he felt something in his heart when he met Khushi for the first time? That's why he was restless, thinking that she was in love with Arjun? Are they took birth again to get united? Is this all possible? Is the rebirth concept truly true? Is marrying Khushi his BIRTH GOAL in this birth?

NK's statements also match with the dream. Arjun was a freedom fighter but he didn't die in the freedom struggle. Someone killed them. But who? Why? Would the killer also have taken birth again? Meeting NK's father is getting necessary now. He may give answers.

NK came to the temple that went searching for the young man. Arnav wanted to tell him the truth. He doesn't want to hide it from NK anymore who is ready to help him, no matter whatever his reaction will be.

"The young man is not here Arnav"

Arnav nodded yes.

"Arnav... are you all right?"

"You are right, NK. Arjun was a freedom fighter"

"How are you so confident?"

"I saw the dream sequence again"

"Did you get anything new recording to your dream?"

"Yes, I saw a man with blue eyes"

"You mean, the young man?"

"I'm not sure whether he is the young man"

"But, you already have seen him then why the confusion?"

"The young man I saw is an old man but the man with blue eyes in my dream is really young..."

"I see..."

"The girl called him MAHI Bhaiya. Do you know the young man's real name?"

"Of course, his name is Mahendra Singh."

"That means, he must be the young man"

"I too think so. He should have been called by the name MAHI in that old time."

"Might be"

"Then what you got to know?"

"Arjun's girlfriend's name is..."

NK cut him.


Arnav looked at him surprisingly. More to his surprise,

"And that girl is none other than my friend KHUSHI in this birth." NK smiled.

"Am I right Arnav?"

"Did your father say that?"

"No... he only told her name."

"Then how do you know the girl is Khushi?"

"I'm sorry Arnav. Last time also you got the dream right when we came to this temple? (Arnav nodded yes) I understood that from your facial expression and the gestures between you and Aman. I knew you are hiding something from me. In curiosity, I overheard your talks."

Arnav sighed.

"Actually, I was hesitating about this villager and its regulations."

"I understand... but more than our village regulations, I consider my friend. Khushi is a good girl. She is struggling a lot to run life with her blind mother. I will be happy if she gets a good and promising future."

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