2 Girl in the village

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Part 2 Girl in the village

Arnav, Aman, and Shyam started to Shivshaktipur by train. Their tickets didn't get confirmed as they reserved the tickets only on the previous day. But by luck, they got seats in the general compartment. Of course, the journey was not so pleasant. As their compartment was at the end of the train, they didn't get anything to eat. They just shared bread and fruits which Arnav brought at the Delhi station.

They felt hesitation with Shyam who looked reserved. It's Arnav who compelled him to eat something.

They felt extreme hotness while traveling. But the climate started changing as they were nearing Mount Abu of Aravalli hills. The chilling breeze caressed their face. They inquired someone and got to know that they have to get down to the next station. They got ready, taking their luggage.

The train stopped for two minutes. Our team got down from the train. Arnav was shaken, as he felt something incomprehensible.... Kind of restlessness... kind of agitation... He couldn't realize why he is feeling like this which he never felt before.

He looked at Aman shockingly who uttered,

"I feel like this village is my motherland"

Why does Aman also feel like what he is feeling? What's all this? He closed his eyes and the same girl who disturbs his sleep shouted ARJUN inside his closed eyes. He opened his eyes jerking.

Aman shook Arnav.

"ASR.....are you alright?"

Arnav gulped because this is the first time he saw the dream in DAY time and he is not sleeping but in the full sense. Usually, he doesn't think about the dream once he wakes up from sleep. But, why today he is getting flashes of the girl?

Aman was looking at him, not understanding. Shyam also did the same. Arnav started walking not answering. What he answers, when he himself doesn't know?

They searched for auto but got only a bull cart. They like it as it was a new experience for them. The bull cart man inquired about their whole history except their horoscope details.

They reached the Sivshaktipur and people of the village gazed at them as if they are aliens. It was clearly visible that the village is not improved. Their traditional outfit is evidence of it.

Arnav asked about the president of the village and the president himself came towards them.

"I'm Ram Singh, president of this village. May I know who you people are?" he asked them.

Arnav handed over the order.

"Mr. Shivsankar got transferred to the next village. But you can meet his son."

He beckoned a boy and he rushed towards them.

"Go and bring NandKishor here"

The boy nodded OK and ran towards Nandkishor's house. A few more boys ran behind him.

"Before Nandkishore comes, I want to tell you something." The president started.

Arnav nodded yes.

"This village is totally in my control. People will not do anything against me. This village has many rules and regulations. Villagers knew it. You too should know them. You are our guests. You will be treated by our guests. You will get villagers to help to do your work. But, you shouldn't interfere in the village matters. You shouldn't roam inside the village unnecessarily. If we find you doing something unwanted, we won't mind sending you out of the village. No one could question us." he said strictly.

Arnav nodded yes.

"Can we get room to stay?" Aman asked.

"Yeah... I will arrange it for you. You should make arrangements for your food"

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