Dean vs Sam 4 / The Aftermath

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Imagine: Sam decides to leave for good after a horrible fight with Dean and you're left to pick up the pieces.

A/N: I haven't done a versus in what feels like forever. I know I just started a series that's at least five parts and will barely be longer than this, but I was feeling inspired by this idea. I was going to make this a two-parter that turned into six parts, but couldn't decide where to break it up, so I just kept it all together, making it the longest chapter thus far on this endless book by a LOT. I'm not sure why, but this one was more emotional to me. I have no idea what I was thinking to be writing from 8:30 at night to 2:30 in the morning, but that's how long this 8,000-word chapter took. Let me know if you want a second part because I have more in mind. Enjoy!

Dean shut himself in the favored man cave when you ran after Sam. You knew if you didn't get back to him soon that as much alcohol as possible would be ingested. If you were able to fix this, Dean wouldn't feel the need to drink so much. He had been doing so well this past year, too. He chose coffee or tea - you feared this might have been the iceberg.

Events like this happened only twice before, but many more before you entered their lives. Dean was almost always the one that stayed, the one that got left. You tried showing him that you had no intention of ever leaving, wanting to forever be the calm in the storm. After being with the brothers for so many years, it was no surprise that they were both interested in you romantically. As many years passed, you still weren't sure where your heart remained. You knew these men inside and out and loved them dearly, but couldn't choose. You claimed it would ruin the fun dynamic of three.

Sam's door was wide open when you finally caught up to him. He moved fast, most of his belongings already packed away into a duffel bag. You leaned against the door frame, heart rapdily upset in your chest. His hair was a mess, even more so than normal, cheeks were flushed from yelling, and shoulders heaved with anticipation. He didn't glance up as he began zipping the bag.

"Sam," you began. Your voice caught. What could you say? The brothers were unusually cruel to each other. You didn't even want to remember the horrible words they spat at one another. And this was before any alcohol.

Sam shook his head. He always was the silent mopey type. He moved to the bathroom to grab a few items and you slowly entered the room. As often as you hung out in the boys' rooms, this didn't feel right. You knew down the hall a disaster was brewing. You took a breath. One tall problem at a time.

"Sam, please stop. I know you both are very upset right now and rightfully so, but don't leave. Please," you pleaded.

He walked back into his bedroom, giving you a long look. You never minded how the brothers would stare at you, but this look was too close to heartbreak. It was like Sam was memorizing your appearance. He was ready for this to be the end of hunting for him, and to him that meant cutting off all connections.

"I have to. I'm not respected here. At least not by him." That's all Sam said as he tried to walk past you. You backed up into the frame again, your short stature not able to hold him back. He was so close in front of you.

"Give it a few days apart. This place is big, you don't have to see each other. Sam, you can't go."

"I can and I am. You can't stop me, Y/N. Either move or come with me," Sam said, warm eyes gazing down at you. A startled breath escaped you. You had never dreamed of leaving this place or the brothers. They were home to you, your best friends.

"I can't do that either, Sam. We belong here." You stood firm.

"Then this is goodbye, Y/N." His voice was soft, but the words echoed loudly, like raindrops that would not stop panging the roof for hours. It repeated endlessly.

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