Crowley 5/ Soft Spot

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Idea: found upon the Internet.

Plot: Crowley seeing the boys brought you to interrogate him because everyone knows he has a soft spot for you.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do. I called you here for a purpose: to get the information and that's it. Sam and I are going to get some food and we'll be back," said Dean.

You were going to do whatever you wanted or needed to. These Winchester brothers weren't your family nor even that good of friends. You would rather have someone that always had your back, no matter what, than someone who would leave you to die if it meant saving someone else first. You and Sam were typically on better terms, but he was showering at the moment, so you had to discuss the situation with the elder, who has tried putting his moves on you a few times. Here he was, asking for help.

"I know what to do. I've got the list Sam emailed me of the names and locations needed. I already know where he's being held." You informed him, purposefully adding sass.

Dean rolled his jaw together, clearly irritated with you. "I'm going to check on Sam. We'll be gone in five. See you when we return. I'll get you a burger and soda."

You watched as he walked out of sight and up a pair of stairs. Collecting your thoughts and the sheet of paper and a pen, you made your way downstairs to the dungeon. Your first question was to why they even had a dungeon, which lead you to question the being they had trapped. Why had they called you to get information out of the King of Hell? As far as they knew, you had barely met the guy. A secret lingered between you and only one other, floating in the air as it directed you to the one and only Crowley.

You unlocked the large doors and pushed them open, your gaze instantly falling on the black-suited man. You said nothing as you turned your back to him and closed the doors, setting the key on a shelf nearby. Finally, you faced him. Crowley remained steady as the two of you made eye contact.

"The boys sent you here, did they, darling?" His first words in quite a few months to you. You strutted over and placed the paper and pen on the desk that resides near the former king.

"Well, I sure didn't come here of my own accord," you told him.

"One could never be too sure, you know." His voice was cautious, dark eyes never leaving you.

You stalled for a moment, only offering a small hm. You paced around the room, taking stock of its bareness. Silence was a gift, you've learned. It made others anxious, or concerned. The first was more to work based off of your knowledge of the demon with feelings.

"You are here for a reason, yes? Please, what could it ever be?" He daunted, rolling his restrained wrists.

Turning back to him, you simply smirked. "How grace has fallen. Here you are, gift wrapped and chained. Not only that, but you said please! It wasn't quite in the correct phrasing, but it will definitely do, I suppose."

He squinted his eyes. "Do for what?"

"Must you really question me, Crowley?" You turned back to him, still pondering what to do next. "I think you've learned that never wins, especially for you."

"You're here, aren't you, darling? I think I at least beat the boys." It seemed Crowley thought that he was still in the lead in the taunting game. He didn't know quite what you had in store for him. You noted his hands and feet were restrained. You wondered what was in the metal cuffs that kept him from moving. Gazing around the room, you realized there were many weapons aligned on the wall, but not much actually on the floor, other than the chair and coffee table.

"I am here, you're right about that. But I'm not the one chained up. I'm here for some names and locations, babe. That's all." You kneeled down to his level. Picking up the pen, you weaseled it into Crowley's right hand, slowly grazing your fingers over his.

"Is that so, darling?" His voice faltered only slightly. His dark eyes were watching you move. You played the card that was the weakness most men had. It was way too simple. Just being a woman. And that you were.

You allowed a simple 'mhm' before leaning towards the desk. Your shirt fell towards gravity, allowing a couple friends to come into view. "So are you going to give me these names...?" You drew out the last part, crouched down.

"I don't know, love, what do you have to offer me?" His voice remained low and calm, but you could notice his shoulders take in breaths quicker than they would have been normally.

You moved around, sitting on Crowley's lap, and slowly drew your fingers around his hand. His other hand, both still in cuffs, twitched. He noticed and pretended to stretch out his fingers. You bit your lip, wondering how far you should take this. You have the King of Hell tied up under you, this could be great. Another idea formed, one you liked even more. Simply to tease Crowley, get the information, and just leave him hanging.

Let's see just what you could do.

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