Sam 3/ Come Back

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Idea: found on tumblr maybe?

Plot: Imagine meeting Sam months after he left you without giving any news.

Notice: Y/B/F/N = Your best friend's name.

Loving a Winchester was never easy. Purely human, with no ties to the supernatural world made it worse. You had living, caring parents, kind, normal siblings, and fun, normal friends. You should never have met Sam Winchester. It was a complete mistake.

You were supposed to meet up with your best friend at a local bar for karaoke and ended up at the wrong spot. A tall man with worn, but sparkling green eyes offered you an insincere smirk as he began to hit on you. Doing your best to ignore them, you looked around for your friend, that became difficult, in the sea of people.

"Please leave her alone. She's clearly looking for someone," an even taller man said to the one who wouldn't leave you alone. You turned to give him a gracious smile and was struck by his long dark hair and his brown caring eyes that showed he dealt with the man next to him and his comments often.

"I- uh, yeah. I'm looking for my friend, Y/B/F/N and I can't seem to find her anywhere. Could you tell me if this is the correct address?" You handed him the torn piece of paper with scribbled writing.

The one that kept sliding comments your way continued speaking. "While my brother ignores the beautiful lady in front of him, let me offer you something more - my name. I'm Dean and this oaf is Sammy. Are you sure your friend didn't stand you up? I would be happy to-"

"Ignore him. I apologize. It appears this bar is actually about seven miles from here, in Chesnut. It's understandable, the words are quite mixed together. I hope you are not late too meet her." The one named Sammy flashes you a real smile, obviously irritated by his brother.

"I hope so, too. Considering I had to hail a taxi which took ten minutes then another twenty just to get here... I might as well find a way home rather than get in another mess to the real spot. Thanks, anyways." You turned away, disappointed with yourself for not being able to read the handwriting and at your friend for not being legible.

"Do you need a ride?" Sammy offered.

As they say, the rest is history. The brothers gave you a ride to your apartment, Sam slipped you his number, and any time they were in town...

Sam would rent a car anytime his brother was doing individual work. At first you didn't believe him about their 'job', but when a wendigo was in town, you began to believe. Sam was on a spree, it seemed, chasing down every monster possible. The last few times Dean hadn't joined him, and it was never a good time to ask. Sam stayed with you in your new house.

You decided that the next time he came by, you had a question for him. He could take you with him and you could be together, as you were hopelessly in love with Sammy Winchester. Or he could leave and never come back.

Before you had the chance to ask for a happily ever after, it was like Sam had only seen the second part of your unsaid request. You hadn't seen Sam in nearly a year. Of course, you tried to get in with your life. Went on a few dates, had a few drinks, adopted a few dogs, but nothing seemed to fill a never ending hole.

One day, you had enough at work and left to the bar. As you were heading in, you ran straight into a hulk of a man. Sam Winchester, stumbling out in his infamous plaid, jeans, and boots. Immediately, his hands reached out to catch you, a seeming stranger. His hands retracted and his bright eyes widened in shock.

"Y/N! Oh, wow, what a surprise!" His nervous laugh filled the air, spiked with a few drinks.

You stepped back, clearly untrusting. Your heart raced inside your chest, urging to escape, as it obviously missed its other half. Unsure on how to properly react, you pushed inside. Hearing his sigh, you flinched in shock. Oh, how you had missed him.

After finding a spot at an empty table, you were less than surprised at the tall, sweet-talking being that sat across from you. "What do you want me to say? 'Oh, hey, Sam! So great to see you, it's only been ten months!' Do you really think I haven't moved on?"

Sam head bowed, bangs covering his eyes, until he pushed them away. He nodded. "I expect you have. It wasn't right of me to not call you back or visit more often."

"That's right, Sam. You left. But maybe I haven't moved on, maybe I have been waiting by the phone for this long, long time for the one person on this forsaken earth that I love to come home!" You began to shout, but ended in a whisper, with eyes stinging as tears threaten to expose your true feelings.

"I know, sweetheart. I'm so sorry. I can't ask for your forgiveness." Sam bit his lip.

You shifted uncomfortably. "Where's Dean?"

Sam faltered. "I don't know. I would never have left you on purpose. Dean never answered my calls and I couldn't track his phone. I've been searching for him and my last hunch lead me back here."

"Then stay. Please, Sam, just stay. Even for a little while. We can search for him together, but you need to take a breath."

He finally nodded. "Okay, I will."

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