Tall like a Squirrel and Short like a Moose/ Crowley 1

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Plot: Sam becomes a Moose and Dean becomes a squirrel after Rowena put a spell on them.
Idea: Aaliyah106916
Warning: A witch is mentioned who doesn't appear until season ten. Backstory is given.

You have only been a hunter for a few years and had run into the Winchester brothers a couple months ago. Their hunting abilities were the first thing that attracted you. They definitely had skill. Their physical appearance and intelligence was also a big plus.

You had been on only small cases - until the brothers took you witch hunting. That's where you met Rowena. You hadn't been introduced to Crowley, but knew that was his mother. It was almost difficult to wrap your mind around how she appeared younger than him, but you supposed that was what magic did.

"Y/N, get the pistol and check the bullets are there," Dean instructed.

The three of you quickly barged into the unfurnished apartment and discovered the red head sitting cross legged in the very center of a circle that was surrounded by runes and foreign symbols.

Rowena lifted her head, a sneer transforming into an ugly smirk. She was in very modern styled clothes, but seemed to be ancient with her ways. The witch stood up and was taller than you in her heels.

"Third time won't be your charm, boys. It took you so long to find this place," she boasted.

"And now that we did-" Dean snarled. "You get to die."

You winced. You knew he didn't have trouble with getting ladies, but that was a horrible line. You felt the pistol cold in your hand behind your back, hiding behind Sam Winchester. So far, Rowena could not see you. Whether or not she could somehow sense you, you were unsure of.

"Any news on Fergus?" Rowena asked, clearly unaffected by Dean's threat.

Earlier that day, the boy's had informed you on Crowley, who he was, along with his family history. He was the big bad king that had somehow left his kingdom alone. But like you said, you did small hunts. Nothing that had previously attracted the attention of the King of Hell. You planned on taking down his mother and getting out of his sights, incase he were to come after you for whatever reason, though the brothers assured you he hated his mother.

"No," Dean said sturdily, glancing to the knives on the table in the corner.

You stood precisely behind the taller Winchester, following his exact movements. You were supposed to be a surprise. That was, until she began to quickly speak in a language that was unknown to you. Dean and Sam morphed into animals and you stumbled back. You stumbled back as fast as you could as Sam transformed into a moose. In a diving moment, Dean changed into a squirrel.

You gasped with wide eyes and took in the brothers' new appearances. Rowena met your eyes and smiled. Before disappearing into a poof of nothingness, she teased, "Have fun with your new pets, darling."

You were stunned. The two animals known as Dean and Sam Winchester turned toward you and made very inhuman sounds. The squirrel scurried to your feet. You feet obligated, but hesitant to pick him up. The moose was taller than you, which was a bit frightening. You questioned how you were going to get them home to the Bunker, four hours away.

You set Dean on Sam's back, trying to hide your smile, as you went outside to the 1967 black four-door Chevy Impala and unlocked it with the keys that had been in Dean's bag. The animals appeared to growl at you, but you were still too worked up over what had just occurred to notice.

A witch that was the mother
of the King of Hell just transformed Dean and Sam Winchester into a squirrel and a moose. That was definitely not normal.

< - >

"Dean, stay still!" You screeched. It was hard enough to fit the moose-sized Sam in the back seat, but Dean Winchester - he was running ramped throughout his own car. You thought he would at least try to contain his squirrelly emotions as a squirrel.

An inhuman noise growled back at you with the sounds of teeth chattering behind it. Sam tried his best not to move, but at every corner bonked his horns against the headrest that was occupied by you. Dean finally scurried into the backseat on the floor, but careful enough not to be stepped on by his brother.

You finally arrived at a motel, knowing there was no way you were driving hours back to the bunker with the guys in this state. You paid for one single room and ushered the animals in as quickly and quietly as possible. You locked the car with a loud chirp before hurriedly checking for traps in the small room.

Sam laid down in the middle of the floor, which was disturbing while you were pacing back and forth. Dean tried to crawl on your shoulders, but only ended up scratching you multiple times. He finally jumped on the bed and sat on the one pillow, waiting for your plan. The plan that you didn't have. It wasn't like you could go and demand that Rowena change the boys back, which was something you should have done as soon as they became animals. You were too afraid, honestly. She could have done something to you and then there was no way the guys could ever be transformed back.

Before you had time to set up any traps for demons or otherwise, a British voice spoke from behind you, praising a hello. You stared at the squirrel, hoping that would make the voice disappear. Sadly, Dean only cocked his head as the man spoke again.

"I did say hello. The polite response would be to say that back." Finally, you turned around. Sam was standing on his hooves and making an unpleasant sound which left you which some possibilities of who this stranger might be. Once you turned, you were just shorter than the older attractive man in a dark suit with a crude smile.

You still said nothing, hoping that could play to your advantage. You quickly needed to find out details: identity and motive. The man narrowed his eyes at your silentness and scanned through the room. He smirked gruesomely, a smile that turned your insides.

"Quiet like a mouse, aren't you? Well, I see that you have Squirrel and Moose, though I can only assume how that came to be. How did it, love?" The man asked, clearly taunting you. He was arrogant with raised eyebrows, a swagger evident without you ever having seen him walk. His hands in his pockets innocently.

You took a steady breath and prepared to answer. Two guns were four feet behind you in the closet and a knife was on the television set, but you would have to pass the Moose. You didn't know who this man was, but you were willing to do or kill whatever it took to turn the Winchesters back into their regular sarcastic selves.


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