Crowley 5/ Catcher in the Red Eye

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Idea: found on a site somewhere.

Plot: Imagine being brought to Crowley by some of his minions after you deliberately interfere with their deals to get his attention.

You had fought bravely, and it was enough. You decapitated at least five demons, before allowing the remaining two to lead you into Hell, where King Crowley, a former crossroads demon, sat in the throne. He stared you down as if you were a piece of old meat with cold eyes.

"What is Y/N doing here and why is she armed and not blindfolded?" Crowley demanded.

You stood proudly in the center of the room as if it was your own. The cocky smiles fell upon the last two demons as they dropped your arms. They had been too frightened of you to even try getting close. One mumbled something about their crossroad deals being interrupted.

You smirked, placing your hands on your hips. "Do you really need to ask that, Crowley? You think that your measly demons could actually stand a chance against me? We've done this before and we'll continue to do so... but I'm here for a reason, actually."

Crowley was not amused or impressed. He continued sitting, eyes narrowed. You were hoping he was anxious, for the last time you two spoke, the environment was just less than hostile, but it was mostly words that caused pain. They really can sting, but you didn't come with an apology. The demons waited at the king's beck and call, but you knew that not all respected him as much as he would have preferred and you planned to use that to your advantage as soon as you got the opportunity to do so. You refused to focus on the past and how you would dominate your own future, because you understood that only you truly cared about yourself and no one else.

"Any reason you have doesn't matter. Stop interfering with their deals or—". You cut him off, taking a few casual steps forwards. "Or what, Crowley? Are you going to 'or else' me? I don't think there's anything you could actually do to s-". Oh, look, another cut off. Maybe I shouldn't have started that, cause it'll get old real fast.

"Stop." Crowley stood up. You paused. It was only for a few moments that the two of you held eye contact, but you were sure that even the demons in the far back of the huge throne room could feel the tension. He gave one red-eyed look sideways to them and they disappeared.

To continue to air of confidence, you released a puff of air in annoyance and coyly pretended to be interested in your long, dark nails as if this was a waste of your time. Your high heels definitely helped with how you wanted to look and made you look badass when kicking ass, but standing still in them was one of your least favorite things and one of the worst pains, and that's saying something considering what you have gone through. When they were gone, he moved towards you and you finally lifted your gaze and raised an eyebrow. The next move was hard to tell.

"Aw, you didn't want an audience? Nothing new, I suppose. Guess that was always one of the main differences between you and I, you know how I love to cause a scene." You decided that rambling was probably your best bet now that the two of you were alone and there was no longer a real shot of embarrassing the king and you probably would not get what you wanted anyways, because he had no reason to do it for you, especially after recent events... but you supposed seeing him one last time was worth it. 

Crowley was suddenly much closer and you were surprised to realize that he was not covered in the strong scent of death like he used to be after spending long periods of time in Hell, which meant that he hadn't been. You tried not to be bothered by the fact that you did not know where he had been because it was none of your business and neither was the fact that his suit was fully put together and not casually done-up as if it was a normal day at the office. His dark eyes were back to normal, unnerving you. His face exposed no secrets and suddenly your heart was beating much too loudly for your liking. 

"You're not getting what you came here for. It is in your best interest to leave, love. The demons don't take well to being pushed around, unless it's from me, of course. You should go." Crowley  was close enough and although you felt you originally had the upper hand, you were left nearly speechless and flustered. 

You attempted to nonchalantly glance around the throne room when you were really searching for answers you were sure were too hidden to find and the slightest twitch of your fingertips showed anxiety in questions too scared to ask. Slowing your words to not seem hurried or upset, you pestered more. "Then why don't we reschedule? You're dressed for a busy day. I'll leave your demons alone in the meantime." Your mind was made up as you smirked. "See you around, Crowley." 

And with that, you walked out of Hell. 

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