Crowley vs Dean 1/ The Competition

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Idea: prolly found on Tumblr.

Plot: Crowley and Dean understanding they're both rivals to seduce you.

Note: h/c = hair color. L/N = last name.

A simple misunderstanding was all that it was.


You just happened to be a fantastic woman hunter that often attracted the attention of males. Your h/c hair always managed to appear soft and shiny, even if you went a week or more without washing it. Flawless skin surrounding a small, barely pointed nose.

It was late into the fall season so you were geared up with a plain t-shirt under a flannel and a nicely fitted leather jacket, along with a pair of dark jeans and medium length leather boots. Your hair was tied back into a French-braid and you had to admit, you looked fierce. You were strong-willed, but typically wouldn't use your looks to get what you wanted. If you intimidated others, that was hardly your own fault.

"That'll be 45 even," yawned the old woman at the front desk of the motel, who slowly passed a key from one side to the next.

You set a fifty down on the sticky brown desk, snatched the key, and marched down the hall to room five. Inserting the key, you slid the bag into your left hand. Nudging the door open with your foot, it was a surprise to see three men sitting around a large wooden desk and deep in a serious conversation.

"Who the hell are you?" You demanded.

"Who the hell are you?" The man closest to you responded in green plaid.

They stood up. One was quite tall with shaggy brown hair, making him nearly animalistic with his broad shoulders. The last two were shorter, but stood out more to you. One was definitely older, with short black hair and a scruffy beard in an all black suit. The one that glared untrustingly has light brown hair with shiny green eyes and a sharp jaw line.

Forgetting your place for a moment, you ogled them before regaining your composure. You cleared your throat, dropped your bag next to your foot, and crossed your arms. Pretending was always key, it lead people to believe you were way more important than you truly were.

"I'm Y/N L/N. Now, your names?" You pursed your lips and raised your eyebrows. The men stared at you.

"The name's Crowley, love. King of Hell, pleased to make your acquaintance," the older man introduced. He walked forward and stretched his arm.

You accepted the handshake as confidently as could be. You weren't surprised by his announcement, which actually helped lead to assume who the other two guys were, based off legends other hunters had shared. Sam, the one who almost graduated from law school, was the only one who basically didn't bow before you.

"And I'm Dean Winchester." He pushed himself forwards, past Crowley, and offered a charming smile.

"I'm his brother Sam. I've heard a lot of you, actually, I think. Was it true that you took out a whole vampire clan with no help and one sword?" The tallest one asked eagerly, reminding you of a puppy, and nothing like the vicious slayer that you'd been warned about.

"Yeah, that was a few years back, when I was still in my prime. Now it's less of a thrill and more of an every day job," you responded, glad for a real conversation.

Crowley tilted his head slightly, a move an opponent made when scrutinizing his enemies, but this gaze held a bit more insightfulness. Dean's eyebrows shot up, clearly impressed, as his lips pushed forwards in a rush.

"Not that I would ever complain about meeting you, but how exactly did you end up in this motel room?" He questioned.

"I'm working a case and decided I needed a few hours of sleep away from my car, so I stopped, ordered a room for one night with one bed, and she must have gotten confused, because she gave me the key to this room," you told them. You pushed your way through the frame after grabbing your bag and threw it on the untouched bed. You closed the wooden door as quietly as possible and focused on your words, rather than the men.

"Well, I'm sure it wasn't an accident. You're welcome to stay here, kitten," Crowley assured.

"Even though Sam and I are the ones paying for this room, we don't have a problem with you helping us on this case, do we, Sammy?" Dean's sharp green eyes never left your being.

The shaggy Winchester sighed but gave you a friendly smile. "Of course not. I'm sure you have great advice and it wouldn't ever hurt to have an extra teammate."

"The thoughts appreciated, guys, really, but I'm going to get my own room. I'll see you in the morning if you haven't solved the big mystery by then. Try to get some sleep. Good night." With that, you threw your bag over a shoulder, tossed Sam the key, and headed into the hallway.

Crowley and Dean turning their heads to one another, eyes squinted untrustingly. After Dean's time as a demon, the two knew one another well. They both would fall quickly in love with you.

Part Two?

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