Dean 8/ Forgiveness

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Idea: Found on Instagram and went with the rest.

Plot: Insulting Dean as a joke and having to buy him pie to make him love you again

"Dean," you whined. You were nearly ready to beg, but you wouldn't stoop that low just yet. This whole event was becoming pathetic.

The boys and you were teasing one another and you made your joke a little too close to home for your closest companion, Dean Winchester, and he pretended to be truly offended. He avoided all contact with you, shrugging and turning away. Sam raises an eyebrow at the two of you and laughed lightly.

"So Sam can call me 'Shorty', but I can't make the joke of what I said?" You demanded. Sam turned serious again from the passenger seat. Dean stayed silent, going twenty over the speed limit as his usual, barely indicating that he was upset. His fingers twitched under the tight grip around the wheel while his chest went up and down at a faster rate. In an instance, he swerved into a diner that you didn't even notice. It looked like one of the regular mom and pop shops with the greasy burgers but delicious milkshakes.

Dean unlocked the door, stormed out in a hurry, slamming the door behind him. He left behind the keys still going in the ignition, grabbing nothing but his phone and wallet, managing to leave behind the third part of the check before you leave list. Sam's serious faces changed slightly as his eyebrows creased into worry lines. He shut the car off, taking the keys, and the two of you left the Impala in the safety of a sketchy parking lot.

You chased after him. The door was swinging open and nearly smacked you in the face. Still being petty, Dean turned to the nearest waitress, demanded pie, and went into the bathroom. You sighed and took a spot in the corner. You apologized to the waitress for his behavior and politely ordered, paying in advance, knowing you were going to place a large tip later, especially if Dean returned with an attitude. The food arrived before Dean. Three beers, two large pies, and two large burgers, and two salads for you and Sam.

When Dean finally came back, he was unable to hide his excitement of food, especially his favorites sitting right in front of him. "Thanks, Sam," he grumbled, eagerly going for the beer. Sam sat next to you, but began to stand back up, clearly not in the mood for Dean's BS. "Don't thank me, it was Y/N." He turned to you, mouthed, 'Fix him', and walked to the counter.

"Dean, I bought you beer and pie. Will you forgive me now?" You questioned quietly, not wanting this to go on for much longer. His green eyes finally lifted with the slightest crinkle, exposing weakness of love.

He shrugged. "I guess." But the smile was finally back on his face.

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