Dad!Gabriel / Humanization of an Angel

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Idea: @sugartrickster, thanks!

Prompt: can you write a Gabriel and reader where the reader has a child, it's not his, he is visiting for information on humans, time passes, child calls him dad, he's fine with it.

A/N: my first request in forever! Thank you! Lol. I actually got two more soon after this so I'm looking forward to writing it. I've been off Wattpad for about a few months. I'm lost a bit of my mojo at the moment, but I'm hoping to get back to it. I won't be as consistent as the start of the year however. Thanks for staying with me guys, I really appreciate it.


As dumb as it sounded, it was dark out. That is what happened at night, you were aware. Your own sarcasm annoyed you, but you had to get through the night somehow. It was nearly three in the morning and neither you nor your nearby one year old baby could sleep. Damien kept crying every half an hour before wanting more milk, thankfully you had enough stored away for at least another few days.

It was hard to be alone. It wasn't something you enjoyed. Of course, you weren't alone, you knew that. You had your son. Your beautiful baby boy that lights up the room when you look at him, but all he does is cry and whine, sounding very similar to his father, someone you didn't like to discuss. It had been a rough relationship and you didn't bother with any big gender reveal because that baby was not going to be anywhere near the horrible man that helped to create him. He would get better, somehow. You were sure of that.

As you finally began to drift to sleep, there was a light knock at the door, four times. You would have swore you dreamt it if it didn't happen again a few minutes later. Then another few minutes later. You groaned and sat up. Who on God's green earth could be knocking at your door on this hour?

Apparently the answer to that was a handsome man with strikingly bright eyes and messy hair. That's... unexpected. Especially so early. This should be sketchy but something about the earnestness in his eyes made you want to trust him. You made sure your son was secured in his blanket in another room before answering the door.

You waited for him to speak. The man stared at you for a moment too long, making you want to close the door and pretend to be sleeping again. He finally opened his mouth, as if still preparing what he wanted to say.

"Hi, um, would you mind answering some questions for me?" He spoke. His voice was more mischievous than you thought it would be, though he still looked fairly innocent and harmless. Then again, isn't that how it always begins?

You stare, nearly deadpanning. "It's three in the morning and a stranger is knocking on my door and wanting to ask me questions." You began to close the door until alarm filled his face and he threw his hands up in the air. "Wait, wait, wait! I'm sorry. That must have been rude. Please forgive me. I'm Gabriel, I was sent to this neighborhood to find some information on humans and you're the first one to answer the door."

He reminded you of a puppy and a businessman running late for a deadline at the same time. Gabriel began to tap his foot nervously and tilted his head slightly. His hand moved forwards as if he was going to reach for you, but stopped, thinking otherwise.

"Can you just give me your number and we'll talk during normal hours? It's way too early right now." You rubbed your eyes, still cautious. He nodded eagerly and had a pen and mini notepad at the ready as if it appeared out of thin air. He scribbled down a number and passed it to you. You began to shut your door and saw a glimpse of his smile before the door was closed and locked. You turned and went back to bed. Sleep came much easier.


You waited the typical three days before calling the guy back. You were almost surprised that he hadn't appeared since then, but thought it to be a good thing that he was waiting. Maybe he had forgot about it. That could have been wishful thinking except for the fact that you began to wonder about him, his tousled hair and striking eyes, how he seemed hesitant and jittery, yet was a calming presence. Once you finally called, the conversation only lasted a few minutes. They were definitely unusual questions, to say the least. It was just a few, fast-paced random surgery questions, before he finally asked if the two of you could meet up again.

So, you did. You met for coffee the next morning, bringing Damien with you since your dad, who would often watch him, was out of town for the next couple of weeks. Gabriel was shy, but eager to start on the questions. He guided you in, opening the door for you and even getting a booster chair for Damien. The two of you got a small breakfast. You tried working past small talk, but he seemed more into that than the actual questions he had prepared. It took just a few minutes to even get through the simple and strange questions. You stayed there another hour until Damien started getting fussy.

For the first time since you've had Damien, you hesitated about him being your priority. You had enjoyed spending time at the cafe with Gabriel and didn't quite want it to end. Finally, his upset squealing straightened your mind and you gave an apologetic smile to your new friend. "I- I'm sorry. I've got to go calm him down. Uh, if you've got anymore questions, we can meet up later, if you'd like. Bye." That was all you could manage to say as you distractedly grabbed Damien and his backpack and hurried out to your car.

It took about four hours before he called you again. Gabriel immediately asked about Damien, checking up on him, making sure your little boy was doing okay and had calmed down. And fortunately, he was. You were glad he couldn't see you smiling when he rang.

Hours quickly turned into days passing into weeks and months of your constant visits with Gabriel. A year passed and it seemed that the two of you had started a relationship of sorts. Gabriel was your closest confidant that soon turned into something more. It got to the point where it was strange to go more than a day without talking to each other, much less seeing each other. And unlike any man you had ever met, Gabriel even offered go change diapers. There was no way not to fall in love with the kind, mysterious man, who often seemed to have a trick up his sleeve.

Barely five years later, Gabriel was your live-in boyfriend, working as a barista and taking care of your family. You took time to work as a writer. When on a brain break, you wandered into the kitchen for a snack. A large thudding of footsteps running down the hall followed by giggling entered the kitchen as well.

"Mama, where's Da-Da?" Damien asked you. His hair fell into his face as a lopsided grin appeared. He began to run around, clearly on a sugar high.

"Gabe," you hollered, not even sure if he was at work or not. You had been so focused on your next story for that day that you had been distracted from keeping track of the schedule. Soon enough, the bright eyed man waltzed in, hands smoothing down his stubble, before they immediately wrap around Damien, who zoomed into him and jumping into his arms. Gabriel looked up at you and winked. As random as a way the two of you met, you couldn't be happier at the way this story was playing out.

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