Sam 4/ The In-Between

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Idea: found on Pinterest.

Plot: Imagine Sam's reaction when Dean decides to sit in between you two because he knows you like each other.

Hunters stuck together, no matter what. Either they were at each other's throats, or they were like family. The latter was pretty quick to occur when you met Sam Winchester. Sweet, smart, and oh, so humble are just a few words to describe the youngest brother. Dean was more talk than action, especially when it came to flirting. Of course, he had hit on you multiple tones to much failure. You liked things more... subtle. And that was Sam Winchester. He didn't know, clearly.

Hunters didn't get attached. Those were the rules. It's how it's always been and how it will always be. So why you choose to stick around with the dangerous Winchester boys you weren't sure.

As Sam scrolled through cases online, you sat next to him with two cups of coffee. He glanced up with a small smile and accepted the coffee, barely stopping his work to drink. He mumbled out a thanks before turning the laptop so it faces you as well.

Dean walked into the room, a beer in one hand, unnamable magazine in the other. He yawned, threw the magazine onto the ground, and moved into the small diving hallway. Green eyes fell onto you, before locking onto Sam and his laptop. Dean took off his robe and draped it over the magazine on the couch, rubbed his eyes to continue waking up.

"There's coffee on the counter," you offered.

"Hard pass. I'll stick with what I've got," countered Dean. He winked and walked up to the two of you. He motioned for you to get out of the seat next to Sam.

"Sammy, you almost done? We should get some real breakfast." Dean continued. Since you would not move, he pushed his butt in front of your face and scooted past. Eventually, you gave and moved to your right, allowing Dean to sit next to Sam.

Sam finally looked up, dark eyes scrunching between his brother and you. He scratched the back of his head. "Um. Breakfast is fine. You should get some coffee, Dean. Why are you sitting so close?"

"Oh, no reason. Just wanted to sit next to my brother and our favorite chef," Dean responses nonchalantly.

"I am a hunter too, you know. I do more than cook!" You rolled your eyes and began to move out of the seat.

"Hey - where are you going?" You had Sam's full attention. His puppy dog eyes were trained on you, a small distance more noticeable. You had to stop yourself for a moment and remind your brain that you can't lean over and kiss him. He's not your boyfriend.

"I. Uh. Getting breakfast. No. It's just - Dean took my seat and I didn't want to be so close to him." You grinned through your nervousness as Dean poured and rolled his eyes.

"Well, someone had to give you attention. Sam clearly wasn't." Dean remarked. Sam began to object when Dean shoved him lightly.

"Alright. Alright. Y/N, where do you want to go eat?" Sam asked.

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