Part 12.3

189 36 7

Inspector : Miss Pia Sharma, this might be hard for you but you need to tell us everything that happened with you and we will make sure your name is not out.

Pia : Okay! 

Inspector : Good, now can you tell us what was happening on the day you got raped? 

Pia : We we had a party at our uni as all the students were going to move into a new year of uni and this was going to be my second year. We all were enjoying when my friend got a call and she went out to answer it. It took a while but my friend was not back when all of a sudden somebody came to give me a note.

Inspector : What was in that note?

Pia : In the note it said meet me in room 203 near the canteen its urgent and don't tell anyone. I need your help right now please come soon - Ashi

Inspector : Ashi? Who is this Ashi?

Pia : Ashi is my friend who got a call and went outside to answer it.

Inspector : What happened after?

Pia : I left the dance floor and went to room 203 and when I reached there it was empty.

Inspector : Then?

Pia : I cant say anymore. 

Inspector : We know this is hard for you but until you don't tell us the truth we wont be able to find the culprit unless if you want us to do the investigation on your friend who sent the note.

Pia : She didn't send the note. 

Inspector : You need to reveal everything! 

Pia : I'm sorry inspector, I kind of lost control on my emotion.

Inspector : It's okay! Will you be able to continue? 

Pia : When I went into the room I didn't find her, when all of a sudden the door closed and when I turned around I saw Raj there. 

Inspector : Who is this Raj? 

Pia : Ashi's boyfriend.

Inspector : Your friend's boyfriend?

Pia : Yes, he was the one who had written that note in the name of her. 

Inspector : Why?

Pia : On that day in the morning I went to the mall to buy a dress when I saw him at the mall and I was going to say hi to him when I went near him. He was speaking to some guy and was talking about drug deal by doing a fake business deal with one of his friend so his illegal work stays a secret.

Inspector : Did his friend know about this drug deal? 

Pia : No he didn't but he was saying he was trying to get his friends signature on some fake business but they declined the offer as they are not ready to start any new projects then that person left who was with him. 

Inspector : Do you know the friend who was going to do a fake business deal with? 

Pia : He is Vijay Bhai Ashi's brother.

Inspector : Strange. What happened next? 

Pia : When I was about to confront him I saw this girl running into his arm and he was promising to marry her. I didn't know what to do as it was all shocking. Then he saw me and I gave him a chance and told him to tell her the truth himself but he didn't.

Inspector : Then did you tell your friend the truth? 

Pia : I wasn't able to tell her at that time I was about to leave the room when he stopped me and told me that nobody can come between him and her and with that he rap. 

Inspector : I know this is really hard for you but miss you have to continue so we know the full story. Did anyone see him?

Pia : No! My friend Randeep was trying to break the door when he heard my scream. When he was trying to break the door open he banged the back of my head against the wall very hard and ran away from there and by then he came in. He did go after him but I didn't know if he found him or not because by that time she came and I tried to tell her what happened however I wasn't able to tell her the whole truth since I couldn't speak properly and with that I fainted. 

Inspector : Well what happened after that? 

Pia : Seeing me in that state she took me from there with the help of my driver and to the hospital, but it was too late as the doctor told that because of the head injury I had slipped into coma. Shr was shocked and didn't know what to do so she came back to india and continued my treatment over here.

Inspector : Is her brother here? 

Vijay : Inspector, I'm Vijay Rathod! 

Inspector : Did you have any business deals before with Mr Raj before and were you aware about his illegal business? 

Vijay : No, he was my friend since college days and we did plan to do a business deal together but it never really worked out in fact I got to know by her today that he was trying to get me sign a fake business deal to hide his illegal work but at that time me and my Dad were not ready to start any new project.

Inspector : What is Raj's full name? 

Vijay : Raj Singhania! 

He tells one of the constable to get the details of Raj. 

Inspector : Where is Raj right now? 

Vijay : He is in Paris!

Inspector : Shinde, call the police over there and tell them about this Raj Singhania and give us a call when they have found him.

Vijay : Pia, you take care now I will come to see you soon. I have to go now as I made some excuse at home and also I need to go to the office.

Pia : It's okay Vijay Bhai, I understand. 

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