Part 8.4

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Randeep : I hope I see you soon Pia, you are one of my good friends. 

He then goes down and sees his Mom talking to a priest he goes and sits down next to her and is listening to their conversation. 

Vasu : Pandit ji, I want you to find a good date for the engagement and wedding for my elder son.

Priest : You don worry but I will need your son kundali and also the bride kundali who he will be getting married to.

Vasu : This is Ashi's kundali and this is Randeep's. 

Priest : Okay, I will leave now as soon as I match these kundali I will find a suitable date for the engagement and wedding and will let you know by tomorrow afternoon.

Vasu : Thank you Pandit ji. 


 Rathord Mansion 

Ashi is sitting in living room reading a book as she is still waiting for Vijay to come she even calls his Pa again to only find out that he is really busy at the moment so he said he will talk to her when he gets home. She is so busy into the reading her book that she doesn't hear the house phone ringing.

 Komal who is in the kitchen came rushing to see her daughter so engrossed in reading that she failed to hear the phone ringing and slightly slaps her on her shoulder indicating at the phone whereas she says sorry.

Komal : Hi Vasu! 

Vasu : Hi Komal, I called to tell you that I gave Pandit ji Ashi and Randeep's kundali and he will give us a good date by tomorrow.

Komal : That's good but what time is Pandit ji coming tomorrow? 

Vasu : He is coming in the afternoon tomorrow. 

Komal : Okay, we will be there.

Ashi : Mom, what were you guys talking about and where are we going tomorrow? 

Komal : Vasu, gave yours and Randeep's kundali to the Pandit ji so he can find a good date for your engagement and wedding so we all are going to their house tomorrow. 

Ashi : Is it okay if I don't come? 

Komal : Why? 

Ashi : I just have some work to do. 

Komal : Well your work can wait its not like we are staying there for a whole day after coming back you can do whatever work you want to do okay? 

After an hour Vijya have arrived and when she sees him she quickly takes him to his room and locks the door. 

Vijay : Di, why did you lock the door? 

Ashi : Do you know I have been trying to get through you today! 

Vijay : Oh yeah, Suresh told me you called but I didn't even get free so I told him to tell you that I will speak to you when I get home so tell me what happened?

She tells him about the dream she had, and she thinks, if he has told Raj anything. 

Vijay : No di, I haven't told Raj anything at all. 

Ashi : Vijay, I went to the coffee shop with Nandu as she was going to meet up with Jagat but I didn't know both of them had planned to invite Randeep too. Then all of a sudden Raj called and I excused myself and when I finished speaking to him Randeep was standing behind me and he actually heard my conversation. 

Vijay : So, he knows about you and Raj? 

Ashi : Yes, but he doesn't care about him. 

Vijay : Do you think he will tell anyone? 

Ashi : I don't think so because if he wanted to then he would have told everyone by now. 

Vijay : Di, you are stressing yourself out with all of this for some moment try not to think about all this.

Ashi : Okay, I'm going to leave now freshen up and come down stairs after.

Vijay : Can we go and meet Pia tomorrow?

Ashi : We can but only when we come back from Unnati's house. 

Vijay : Why? Is there anything special happening over there? 

Ashi : Well yes, for others it will be a special moment for me it will be a disaster! 

Vijay : What do you mean? 

Ashi : The Pandit ji is coming over to fix the marriage date so we have to go there. 

Vijay : Di, why don't you just say no this marriage it's not too late before the invitation goes out tell everyone you don't want to marry. 

Ashi : It's so easy to say it Vijay, but what will I tell everyone that why I don't want to marry Randeep and if I tell them what happened three years ago will they believe it no right because I haven't got any proof. But I know one thing my life if going to change completely anyways there is no point of talking about this. I will see you downstairs. 


Randeep came out of the washroom wearing a black west and jogging bottoms when he sees Unnati and Jagat sitting on his bed. 

Randeep : You guys here at this time is everything is okay? 

Unnati : Yes Bhai, everything is okay we just came to see you because once you get married you won't even have time for us right Jagat? 

Jagat : Exactly plus Bhai, you probably will be busy thinking about Ashi Bhabhi. And after they get married this room will belong to her.

Unnati : Bhai, I think you should get use to sharing your room with Ashi soon so its best if you start making space so that she can keep her stuff.

Jagat : What Bhai, come on you can give this serious look to us but please at least do give romantic looks to her, otherwise even she will get scared with your angry young man looks.

He smirks at this imagining how he and Ashi will be under one roof and he knows it's not going to be good.

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